Environment should support immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship as it is both morally required and could increase support for climate action. President Teddy Roosevelt's assertion that “ far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing” as true as it did a century ago. While that pursuit is something that unites us all in today’s world many people never never have a chance to work neither have a “work worth doing”. Globally, immigration between countries and within countries has increased dramatically as a result of a variety of factors. In the mid-1990s the international red cross estimated that there were already twenty-five million environmental refugees. Today the IPCC estimates there will be as many as two hundred million climate refugees by 2050. For more than two hundred years, immigrants nation and the American dream have inspired the world to believe that both were possible. And it’s why today as environmentalists we need to support an equitable path to citizenship.
Environment should support immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship as it is both morally required and could increase support for climate action. President Teddy Roosevelt's assertion that “ far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing” as true as it did a century ago. While that pursuit is something that unites us all in today’s world many people never never have a chance to work neither have a “work worth doing”. Globally, immigration between countries and within countries has increased dramatically as a result of a variety of factors. In the mid-1990s the international red cross estimated that there were already twenty-five million environmental refugees. Today the IPCC estimates there will be as many as two hundred million climate refugees by 2050. For more than two hundred years, immigrants nation and the American dream have inspired the world to believe that both were possible. And it’s why today as environmentalists we need to support an equitable path to citizenship.