Apollo 13 Research Paper

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One of the very important scientific breakthroughs in history was landing on the moon, or the mission known as Apollo 11. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the two of the three people on this mission it took three days from lift off to landing on the moon. It was the first mission that put a man on the moon but was not the last. There has been twelve people who have landed on the moon including Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. All astronauts who have been on a lunar landing mission have been men.
The only manned missions have been by the United States of America. There has been six attempts to send man to the moon, and only five were successful, Apollo 13 was the only one that failed and it was necessary to try multiple heroic efforts made
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Due to an unexpected cluster of boulders, they had to find a new place to land. The fuel only had, approximately 20 seconds left when they landed, meaning that there was only 20 seconds before the crashed and died. This was not the only problem while in space, there was a problem with the water filter afflicted the whole crew with “fragrant flatulence.”
There are hundreds of conspiracies surrounding Apollo 11, the most famous being that we didn't land on the moon, but that conspiracy was disproved by scientists, NASA employees, mathematicians, and some psychologists across America stating that it would have been an impossibility to have the 400,000 or more people working in the project to keep that big of a secret, no matter what. Another common theory is that the astronauts met extra-terrestrial life while on the moon due to the time where all communications with Huston were gone for a few hours.
In conclusion,the Apollo missions were very important, and led to many scientific breakthroughs in history. The most crucial mission was Apollo 11 though due to the fact that it proved that we can travel to other planets and was a very historic time. The astronauts who went to the moon are very amazing people, and are also very important people. Although there was Seventeen Missions, this one is the most recognized, and the conspiracies that people came up with are not proven, and most likely insult the astronauts very

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