Ap World History Compare And Contrast American Culture Essay

Decent Essays
Have you ever had a sister or brother or just somebody come and just ruin the things and ways you do things? Well, before us Europeans and British came to the Americas, there were already people here, about 300,000 of them. We kind of ruined their lives, but anywho, those people were from all kind of places, like what used to be Eurasia, Africa, and even Australia! They were the first people here, and most people thought they crossed over the land bridge and split into a number of groups. Today I am going to compare and contrast three of the regions that they split into. The first region is the Arctic and subarctic. Specifically, the Inuit tribe. The Inuit tribe was a tribe that live in the far north part of the Arctic. They were Mostly hunters, because they could not farm for three fourths of the year, not even in the spring. They heavily relied on hunting sea animals and sometimes land animals, but they were harder to find. They would hunt sea animals, such as the walrus and seals, when they were on land. They would also hunt beluga whales and …show more content…
They were a great deal like the Arctic and Subarctic tribes, mostly because they were right below the Arctic and Subarctic region. They hunt animals and their most domesticated animal was the dog. The eastern woodlands stretched from North Dakota, to the East coast, up to the Great lakes, and down to the bottom of North Carolina. The men worked by hunting, gathering food, and building, while the women farmed. The had lots of trees, and this is how they built most of their houses. They also made pottery and other tools to make and preserve food and water. They made their tools out of mostly stone, unlike the Inuits that made theirs out bone. With their tools they hunted deer and went spearfishing. They had many villages that had a chief, nobles and regular people. For transportation, they built canoes for water, and just walked for

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