First Inhabitants Before the Europeans arrived, the Nanticoke and Lenni Lenape Indians. The Lenni Lenape Indians were peaceful indians. The Lenapes lived in small tribes and sometimes large villages of 200-300 people. In a Lenape clan, all the work was shared by men and women. The Indians started working at a very young age. The Women of the tribe farmed, dried food for winter, made clothes, slippers, and mats. The men of the tribe did did most of the hunting. The men used using bows and arrows and hunted deer, elk and bear. Lenapes also traped smaller animals, like beaver, otter, muskrat, raccoon, and wild cats. Lenapes lived in dome shaped houses called “Wigwams”, and sometimes a longer wigwam, called a “longhouse”. A Wigwam was a house built using sticks that were pushed into the ground and bent to a dome shape at the top and covered with sheets of bark, skins or woven mats. They had an opening at the top to let the smoke out from fires. The Lenape had 3 clans, Wolf, Turtle and Turkey, which was passed down by the mother. Their childern were the same clan as their mother. …show more content…
Before Delaware became a state, it was a colony. The delaware colony was founded by Peter Minuit and New Sweden Company. Later, Eleuthere Irenee du Pont arrived and founded a gunpowder mill. This helped the US in many ways. Another important event is when Peter Minuit and New Sweden Company arrived. This company founded a settlement near Delaware river. He also founded Wilmington, a major city