Today, Hamlet is being taught and studied in schools all around the country, And there are so many different feelings and emotions you get from this play. From funny to sad, to action packed and exciting, all leading up to revenge and death. But, if we were to relate the play to todayś world, the most relative themes that apply to readers today would be love and anger.
Throughout the play, many times love and anger are shown. These scenes have such a huge impact on readers because many can relate. From the death of a close family member, to betrayl, to revengeful thoughts and acts, with death being the result of anger and revenge seeking characters. The play had a big impact on readers all around and still continues to …show more content…
If it is true it will show, and if it is true it will stay. At the beginning of the play, ¨Hamlet¨, Hamlets father is killed by his own brother. This creates darkness and anger in Hamlets heart, and is just enough to set him off. As Hamlet is trying to mourn the death of his father, everyone else seems to forget about his fathers death. And being that Hamlets mother married his unlce, the man that killed his father, his fathers BROTHER, just two months after his fathers death, this also caused anger toward his mother. Midway through the play, we see Hamlet being to get worse and worse, and eventually go completely mad. He falls in love with a woman but seems to have too much anger that he can´t seem to focus on her. His anger totally takes over him. At this point, anger has gotten in the way of most of his relationships because of his loyalty to his father. And while love was in the air for for Hamlet with this woman, and the love stays true to his father, the betrayl of his mother to his father and himself continued. Which only made him more