Anemia Annotated Bibliography

Brilliant Essays
(2018, January 08). Anemia. American Society of Hematology. Retrieved from
(2014). Malaria diagnosis and treatment. Cochrane Library. Retrieved from
(2016). The problem of anemia associated with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Trauma and Treatment. Retrieved from
Arnarson, Atli. (2017, June 4). The dark side of iron - why too much is harmful. Healthline. Retrieved from
Babitt, L. J., & Lin,
…show more content…
(2009). Drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia. ASH Education Book, 1, 73-79. doi: 10.1182/asheducation-2009.1.73
Garrison, C. (2009). Iron disorders institute guide to anemia. Naperville, IL: Sourcebook, Inc.
Gerston, T. (2017). Drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia. Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
Mydans, S. (2006). Shunned and dying: HIV victims in vietnam. The New York Times. Retrieved from
Rodriguez, D. (2009, December 10). Anemia and your heart. Everyday Health. Retrieved from
Uthman, E. (1998). Understanding anemia. United States of America: University Press of Mississippi.
Weatherspoon, D. (2016). Leukemia and anemia: What you need to know. Healthline. Retrieved from
Wheeler, B. R. (2010). The link between cancer and anemia. Everyday Health. Retrieved from
Women's Health. (2017). Iron-deficiency anemia. Women's Health. Retrieved from

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