Andrew Carnegie's Essay: The Good Life

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What is "the good life?" Ask anyone this question, and they will give you a different answer than someone else. For most Americans, an image comes with their answer, a dream of a white-picket fence, lounging in the sun, and a loving family. For others, the image is of overflowing piles of money, parties more fantastic than your wildest imaginings, and an exhilarating lifestyle. The interpretation of "the good life" varies from person to person and culture to culture. In psychology, it is defined as: a term for the life that one would like to live. The idea of "the good life" is any lifestyle that inspires the feeling of happiness in any human being. In order to live "the good life" well, everyone must have a fair chance of doing so. While the …show more content…
However, it is important that this money contributed is used wisely. Andrew Carnegie believed that there is a way to ensure this: "In bestowing charity, the main consideration should be to help those who will help themselves; to provide part of the means by which those who desire to improve may do so..." (Source 1) Carnegie understood that money is not always used for honest and beneficial purposes, and thus should not be given to those who would use it so. The only way to help those in need would be to give them the means to help themselves. This is how one can improve society, is to prepare, but not support. Society will crumble if it cannot provide for itself, if the same way that a child will never learn to walk if its parents carry it …show more content…
Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are running a program that is convincing 400 of the wealthiest Americans to supply some of their wealth to various charities and causes. The money isn't necessarily as important as “asking wealthy families to have important conversations about their wealth and how it will be used,”(Source 6) explains Buffet. Everyone must contribute to society in a beneficial way, rich or poor. The rich have money to spend, and the poor know how to spend what little money they have. Therefore, while the rich provide the means for the poor to improve society, the poor will teach them how they can use their money to do so as well, In Zapiro's cartoon World Economic Forum, the annual meeting of international leaders of industry, government, and academia in Davos, Switzerland to propose solutions to global economic issues is depicted. One might expect these leaders to approach the issues with a significant amount of practicality and empathy, to be serious and intelligent. Zapiro portrays this event in a different light. The guests are all dressed in lavish clothing, drinking wine in what looks to be a ballroom of sorts. The only dialogue that is displayed, which was overheard in Davos, is a women, whom is reading from a programme, exclaiming: "There are so many sessions!...I can't decide between 'Hunger' and 'Poverty'!" These leaders treat serious global

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