Same as Carnegie, Ford is also a philanthropist. He treats his workers with dignity and respect, in a recent interview with him, Ford mentioned, “Burdening people with debt is an old deal not a new deal” (Henry Ford). He pays his employs a good amount so they can get the necessities and pay off their debt. In the interview he also mentions, “The only true test of values, either of man or of things, is that of their ability to make the world a better place in which to live” (Henry Ford). Ford stated a foundation called the Ford Foundation, he started this so he, himself could make the world a better place. With the foundation he is trying to reduce the level of poverty and injustice that is happening. Ford feels obligated to make the world a better place, he makes a large profit producing multiple vehicles daily, so he helps the community out. He says that Carnegie publishing The Gospel of Wealth was a smart move, he thinks maybe if other wealthy business owners read the essay they will change their ways, that they will start giving back to the community and help the people in need. Also, in our recent interview with Ford, he mentioned, “Money will ruin the life of any man who treats it like anything but a tool which to work” (Henry Ford). If wealthy business owners do not give back, the amount of money they have could get to their head. Ford does not want that to happen to him or anyone …show more content…
Riis is the author of the book, How the other Half Lives. This is about how terrible the living conditions are in the New York slums. In the interview he brought up a question from his book, “How shall the love of God be understood by those who have been nurtured by the sight only of the greed of man?” (Goodreads). He’s saying, if you love God and follow him, how you can be so cruel and greedy. If you follow him you set good examples and give to those who need help. He thinks Carnegie is right, that there needs to be more philanthropist in the world. More who will help those who need it and give large amounts of money to a charitable cause on a regular bases. Poverty is around the nation, some places are not as bad as others, but some are dangerous to stay at for one night, and something needs to change about the unsanitary and unsafe living. He said he had some proposals to add to The Gospel of Wealth, one of them being anyone who makes a certain amount, must give a certain amount back to a charitable cause. Riis especially says that government officials should give back, that they are one of the wealthiest, and they do nothing in their community. Riis mentions in the interview, “Some defeats are only installments to victory” (Jacob Riis). He is saying that the only way to succeed is to face defeat and comeback stronger the next time. So if Carnegie’s essay does not work out, later on give a stronger one