Arguments Against The Homeless

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In the article, “Homeless, Mike Dick Was 51, Looked 66,” author Kevin Fagan stated that “The nation needs to commit, emotionally and economically, to saving these older folks” (321.) The older folks referred to in the article are homeless people that live across the United States. Fagan maintained that the nation can do better in terms giving back to the needy, especially considering the wealthy of the nation. However, what Fagan failed to mention in the article is what the homeless are not doing for themselves. Long time homelessness is a predicament that can only be blamed on the homeless because people that wind up homeless for whatever reasons are capable of changing their situation. Also, it is important for the capable in society to offer …show more content…
Every now and then, people find themselves in undesirable situation, but the ability to withstand that period and move to a better place is what makes people resilient. According to, “Tyler Perry went from living in his car to become one of Hollywood’s most successful moguls.” There are a number of people who have been homeless, but worked hard and were determined to get better. An internet search of wealthy people who were once homeless will provide a long list of prominent names. It is not an easy job to move from being homeless to living in a mansion and amassing a huge fortune. However, it is possible if one is ready to put in the work. With determination and consistency, Mick would have long left the …show more content…
Often times, articles and advertisements that encourage people to donate always appear to be faulting people for have enough. Like Peter Singer stated in his article “The Singer Solution to World Poverty”: “In the world as it is now, I can see no escape from the conclusion that each one of us with wealth surplus to his or her essential needs should be giving most of it to help people suffering from poverty so dire as to be life-threatening. That 's right: I 'm saying that you shouldn 't buy that new car, take that cruise, redecorate the house or get that pricey new suit. After all, a $1,000 suit could save five children 's lives” (329).
Singer failed to consider why people work so hard. While it is in good spirit to give to the needy and homeless, it is also in good spirit to enjoy the fruit of one’s labor. And if the needy and homeless people, who are capable of getting a job and improving their condition, would try better and do what they need to do, then the number of people on the street will reduce

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