September 4, 2017
Ms. Mc Nierney
Period 7
Survival of the Sickest by Dr. Sharon Moalem
Big Idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
Passage 1: “In Europe, they used fermentation — and the resulting alcohol killed microbes, even when, as was often the case, it was mixed with water. On the other side of the world, people purified their water by boiling it and making tea. As a result, there was evolutionary pressure in Europe to have the ability to drink, break down, and detoxify alcohol, while the pressure in Asia was a lot less” (Moalem 60).
Enduring Understanding: 1.A
Explanation: Asian are known to turn red when drinking alcohol, while European are not. This is due to genetic variation …show more content…
Malaria is caused by mosquitoes that live in humid swamps. The thrive there and infect those that lived around the area. Humans were able to evolve to have a larger resistance to malaria. Haldane suggested that having the genetic tendency for sickle-cell anemia or thalassemia would make the chance of being infected by malaria, rarer. He was correct. But another trait was responsible for protection against malaria, G6PD deficiency. The mutation allows for more resistance. The environment was changing, becoming more prone to mosquitoes and in turn, infecting humans with malaria. But the G6PD deficiency became more common throughout evolution to help have a greater protection against …show more content…
The body must react to keep itself as warm as possible. There are ways that the body tries to maintain homeostasis. When the body shivers, muscle activity increases. Muscles stores sugar and it is burned when there’s more activity, creating heat. After the initial reaction of shivering, the body begins to feel numb. This reaction is caused by the constriction of capillaries over the appendages. The walls of the capillaries close in and blood is pushed towards the body’s core. Heat is retained to protect vital organs. If the environment changes in temperature, the body will respond. Homeostasis would not be possible if the body did not respond to