Tristan da Cunha is the most remote inhabited archipelago in the world, located in the southern Atlantic ocean. It is a very unique place that few people know about, and that is why I chose to learn more about this culture. It is truly interesting to see how the people on Tristan da Cunha live their lives, and how different their way of life is from our own.
There are no airports on the island of Tristan da Cunha, so the only way to get there is by boat, across some of the roughest waters on the planet. Boats from South Africa only travel to the island eight or nine times per year. The nearest airport is a seven day trip by boat to Ascension Island, so if you are visiting Tristan da Cunha, be prepared to stay there for awhile. The closest civilization to Tristan da Cunha is located 1,243 miles away, on the island of Saint Helena, which is also an extremely remote island. The nearest continent to Tristan da Cunha is Africa, at a staggering 1,491 miles away. The main island in the Tristan da Cunha archipelago, …show more content…
Everyone living there speaks english and are christians, and even though they are a territory of the UK, they basically operate under their own rules. The land is communal, and a crime against one person would be seen as a crime against everyone on the island, being as everyone treats each other like family. They also do not have the same access to technology that we do, so don’t expect cellphone service or high speed internet. Do your best not to injure yourself here as well, because any type of complex injury will require you to be evacuated by a fishing boat which will take days to reach a real hospital in Cape Town. Overall, the people on Tristan da Cunha are friendly and welcoming, so getting along with them should not be an issue. The only issue one might experience would be adjusting to their unique and quiet way of