Analysis Of The Okefenokee Swamp

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Two passages are provided by two anonymous authors, each of the author give a different outlook on the Okefenokee Swamp. To elaborate, in passage one the author only uses facts and evidence about the Okefenokee Swamp in order to get infor his/her readers about the swamp avoiding and sense of a personal opinion. In contrast however, passage two the author uses his/her own personal opinion about the swamp doing so it can cause many of the readers to become persuaded by the authors opinion thus allow him/her to gain a following and approval from others. To accomplish this author's use diction and tone, diction is the word choice that the author uses to convey his/her message to their readers and tone is the attitude the author has when discussing …show more content…
To elaborate in the text the author uses very harsh sounding word choice to describe the swamp which then ties into the cacophonous diction which actually means harsh sounding which is also why the tone of this passage is harsh. An example of this is when in the text it states, “Vast and primeval, unfathomable, unconquerable, bastion of cottonmouth, rattlesnake and leech, mother of vegetation, father of mosquito” (1-4). When the someone reads this piece of text they they feel as if the swamp itself is a terrible place that no one would want to visit. This is due to the fact that the author uses words like “unfathomable” and “unconquerable” one automatically thinks of a harsh climate thus giving the readers an impression that the Okefenokee Swamp is a place that no one would travel to freely. Furthermore, this type of writing style is mainly directed towards an a younger audience this is due to the fact that the text is extremely descriptive and eye catching thus making younger audiences attracted to it. Also, the text itself is simple thus making it a lot easier for a younger audience to understand the author's message of the fact that the Okefenokee Swamp is a dangerous location. An example of this is when in the text it stated,”The seething galaxies of gnats and deerflies and no-see-ums [...] screeching through every minute of every day and night till the place reverberates like some hellish zoo” (18-29). This quote shows that the word choice is simple and easy to understand thus allowing for a larger audience group to understand his/her opinion about the swamp which then allows the author to gain a larger amount of support from others who also agree with his/her opinion about the swamp. So all in all, this passage is a persuasive piece that directs readers to see the Okefenokee Swamp as a

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