Mark Twain's Use Of Regionalism

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An additional example would be the sexual culture of this time period and region. Unlike Twain, who used racial titles to describe different areas and the culture of that region’s inhabitants. Harte, not to say was more qualified, due to the fact that he lived in this region his entire life, he could describe the sexual culture that was occurring during this time. Harte displayed this more risky culture throughout his book, Miggles (Reidhead, 352).The author of Norton Anthology American Literature book described this as a challenge of it time, for American sexual and gender behaviors (Reidhead, 352). During this time, California was growing in industry and its towns were flourishing in popular culture. With this rise in culture came new fads, …show more content…
Through the use of Regionalism, which uses the regions culture and customs to describe that area, these writers have educated an entire country. Jerome Loving, of Texas A&M University, describes Twain as one of the most influential writers for race and slavery in American history (Greenblatt). This is essential information due to that fact that both of these writers have influenced many individuals and groups because of their literary works. Twain’s literature also gave money for racial progression, one of which accepting this money for college and would eventually become a lead civil rights activist (Greenblatt). Regionalism was very influential during this time period, and it still plays a vital role in today’s society. Both Harte and Twain’s literary works still inspire today’s generation and will continue to educate people on early American customs and …show more content…
These writers used their own personal experience and involvements to assist in the explanation of their accounts in different regions in the United States. In this time period, citizens did not have the means of communication that is in place today for the country’s residents to understand the culture of that region. Through the use of language and illustration in their books, the culture, and customs were thoroughly explained to the people of that time period. These authors created stories so that people could understand how that area’s people lived daily life and conceived certain groups of people or

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