N. S. Momaday And D. Brown: Passage Analysis

Superior Essays
While passage one by N.S. Momaday creates a nostalgic and appreciative tone with the implementation of heavy imagery, elaborate sentences, and precise diction in order to explain the magnitude and the appearance of the landscape, passage two by D. Brown establishes a cryptic and melancholy tone with employment of rich imagery, compound sentences, and descriptive diction, with the intention to explain a cynical attitude towards what has happened to the plains. Although both passages employ approximately the same methods to achieve their purpose, the authors’ purposes are different. Even though the two authors may describe the exact same landscape, both of them have different viewpoints on the landscape in order to achieve their own intentions. …show more content…
Momaday’s passage and D. Brown’s passage create two contrasting different tones. Passage one states, “ For my people, the Kiowas, it is an old landmark, and they gave it the name Rainy Mountain. The hardest weather in the world is there.” Momaday opens his passage with the perspective his ancestors had on the land. Penning this, Momaday establishes his nostalgic tone that permeates throughout the rest of his passage. He also writes, “To look upon that landscape in the early morning, with the sun at your back, is to lose the sense of proportion. Your imagination comes to life, and this, you think, is where Creation was begun.” His depiction not only maintains the nostalgic tone by saying the manner in which the landscape brings up his thoughts on creation, but the portrayal also creates Momaday’s appreciative tone for the landscape. His appreciation stems from the sheer beauty of the appearance and the possibility of what the landscape may be. However, contrasting this nostalgia and appreciation, D. Brown states, “But now the herds were gone, replaced by an endless desolation of bones and skulls and rotting hooves.” Brown demonstrates his cryptic tone due to a lack of explanation on the origins of the bones. It leaves to the thoughts of imagination on where the herds have gone and the reasoning behind why they are gone. Brown’s melancholy tone is stated win the paragraph when he comments, “It seemed that everything had turned bad. Day after day the sun baked the dry …show more content…
Nomaday states in passage one, “Great green and yellow grasshoppers are everywhere in the tall grass, popping up like corn to sting the flesh, and the tortoises crawl about on the red earth, going nowhere in the plenty of time.” Passage one’s imagery of the earth is to describe the scenery of surround land, adding to the appreciative tone Nomaday carries towards the landscape. Comparing the imagery of both passages, passage one’s imagery is much more bright and colorful, revealing the contrasts in tones and purposes. In passage two, D. Brown states, “great whirlwinds of grasshoppers were flung out of the metallic sky to consume the parched grass.” Although both passages described a scene of grasshoppers, Brown’s imagery of grasshoppers is much more cryptic compared to Momaday’s, explaining his cryptic and melancholy tone towards the land. His employment of this imagery on grasshoppers further constructs his cynical feelings towards the landscape. Although the passages both implement imagery differently but meticulously to further their purposes and tones of their passages, both also use the same syntax but achieve different

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