The movie Precious is based off a young female teenager that lives in Brooklyn, New York, that father gets her pregnant for the second time. She only sixteen years old she cannot read or write on her grade level. She gets kicked out of school and sent to an alternative school. Not only is she underage getting raped …show more content…
Mainly due to the fact sexual scenes only shown as a flashback and were short. The abuse from Precious 's mother Mary occurred multiple times in the film but help views understand her daily life. The sound was adequate listening to every punch, fall, and the music help gains understand on the particular mood, since this film was so aggressive. Describing the film cinematography had enough real exposure. Showing Precious features her skin tone. The lighting of every event showing in the film was so relatable. Having a saturated and dark lens editing when Precious home has created the mood of gloomy, not being at peace or happiness. Then the lens change as soon as she step out of her home color is shown. Sunlight and bright colors. The lighting this film was enjoyable because it gives you understanding on how other live. According to statistics stated that three million reports of child abuse are made in the United States. So this film opens up and show the sexual abuse and physical abuse. Watching this film several times and trying to understand the meaning this film shows, a dysfunctional household that a home without having love and understanding being able to uplift also display an unfit mother attempting to raise a daughter while carrying hate in her