Analysis Of The Goldman-Fristoe Test Of Articulation 2

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The Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation 2 (GFTA-2) was administered to the client. The test administration was audio recorded for further interpretation and transcription. The clinician obtained this recording from the faculty supervisor. Using the recording and a form provided by the faculty supervisor, the clinician transcribed the client’s utterances next to the target words. To analyze the client’s utterances for phonological processes, the clinician used the Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis, Second Edition (KLPA-2) manual. The client’s productions of the test items were transcribed underneath transcriptions for the target words. Comparing the client’s productions to the target word transcriptions, the clinician analyzed the client’s productions …show more content…
One of the first processes that would be targeted in therapy would be velar fronting. According to the analysis, this was an active process in the client’s productions. Furthermore, this process should be suppressed by 3 years, 6 months. For the client’s age of 6 years, 2 months, it would be important to target this process in therapy. The clinician would also want to target the client’s use of deletion of final consonants. Although it is not considered an active process by this analysis’s standards, there are enough instances of this process in the client’s productions that could influence her intelligibility. According to the developmental norms, this process should be suppressed by 3 years, 3 months. Developmentally speaking, this process would be appropriate to …show more content…
With a vast background in coursework related to articulation and phonology, I feel that phonetic transcription is strength of mine. The one downside to this portion of the analysis was the quality of the recording. Live transcription is ideal, but it is not always possible. When listening to the recording, it was sometimes difficult to make out what the client was saying. This made transcription somewhat more difficult. Listening to the recording multiple times helped solidify my transcriptions. There were a couple steps in this phonological process analysis that were difficult for me. One of these steps was determining the phonological processes. I knew the developmental definitions fairly well, but it was difficult to find the idiosyncratic processes in the client’s productions. To overcome these challenges, I completed two drafts in my comparison of the client’s productions with the target words. I combed through my initial draft and found that I had either missed processes that were present in the client’s productions or misinterpreted idiosyncratic processes. I made a second draft in which I made sure to correct these errors. In terms of finding idiosyncratic processes, the KLPA-2 manual was a great resource. I found the definitions and abbreviations for each idiosyncratic process that were present in the client’s

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