The conversation will switch once “How many women were raped in 2015?” is rephrased to, “How many men raped women in 2015?” By putting in the word “men,” the light will shift off of the victims and onto the perpetrators. Once we go from “violence against women” to “men’s violence against women” we will then catch the attention of both sexes, instead of having the female and some, but very few, male feminists on one side, and the willingly ignorant males on the other. Even so, as a society often described as a “man’s world” is it possible to take the proper precautions in terms striving for a place of safety for all sexes? Or will this strive for progressivism result in an unrecoverable
The conversation will switch once “How many women were raped in 2015?” is rephrased to, “How many men raped women in 2015?” By putting in the word “men,” the light will shift off of the victims and onto the perpetrators. Once we go from “violence against women” to “men’s violence against women” we will then catch the attention of both sexes, instead of having the female and some, but very few, male feminists on one side, and the willingly ignorant males on the other. Even so, as a society often described as a “man’s world” is it possible to take the proper precautions in terms striving for a place of safety for all sexes? Or will this strive for progressivism result in an unrecoverable