“Have Smartphone Destroyed a Generation” by Jean Twenge, talks about how technology has influenced a significant decrease in mental-health for post-millennials children. These children are physically safer, for they don’t go out as much as past generations did. But, post-millennial children are not emotionally safe for the same reason. The lack of necessity that these children’s cellphones provides affect their lives, since they do not feel the need to step out of their comfort zone.
The author often recurs to an interview she made to one post-millennial girl; she refers to this girl as Athena. Athena tells the author her experience on how she grew up with technology. For example, how the trips to the mall has changed from the author’s generation to Athena’s generation. The trips to the mall in the author’s times were a place to escape from parents, but Athena goes with her parents to the mall and reports to her parents every hour or every thirty minutes through her phone. …show more content…
How millennials became more individualistic compared to predecessors.
She calls the children who grew up with smartphones iGen. She describes how smartphones, other than defining a generation, they have “destroyed a generation.” The author also blames technology for changes in teenager’s sleep, social life, sex, and suicide