Analysis Of Don T Drop Out, Why There's Still Value In College

Superior Essays
When I was little, I never think about go to college in the future. My dream is open a little grocery store, so I can eat snack every day and make money from people. Higher education is sounds far away to my life. When I growing up, I change my mine to be a density, it require me to get higher education until I get my doctor degree. The process takes long time and all the struggle is worth when I the time I dress my white rope, and my patient call me Drs. Chen. All the experience and struggle are worth to the college investment, and helpful in our live. The special experiences from college is something we won’t learn from outside, and we will remember forever. In the article, “Don’t Drop Out, Why There’s Still Value in College,” by Alex Kern emphasizes his experiences that college is fun place “to meet new people with different world-views, enjoy …show more content…
Both of the article tend to suggests that stay school is the safety net, and they both use their own and someone else’s experience to support their claims. In the negative side of college, college wakes people up early, sleep late, struggle for quiz, midterm, and final, live in coffee, spend 20 to 40 hours for assignment, too many paper to write, parking is the struggle and looking for Wi-Fi. In the positive

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