Cheapest time to travel to Amsterdam
April to May or September to November, just before the high tourist season starts.
Average daily cost on a shoestring budget
Well, the average daily cost of travelling to Amsterdam is €40 per day or $42 per day, which includes food at €10, Transportation at €2.8, attraction at €5 and accommodation at €22 per night. Amsterdam is the city of museums. However, most of the museums in Amsterdam have quite a high entry fee. Amsterdam is a beautiful city and is perfectly walkable. Hence, the best way to explore the city is to walk around the canals and explore the beautiful European architecture.
Cheap (or free) things to do in Amsterdam
There are a number of free or cheap things to do in Amsterdam. …show more content…
Average daily cost on a shoestring budget
The average daily cost of travelling to Berlin on a frugal budget is €33 per day or $35 per day which includes food at € 7.5 and accommodation at € 15 per night. Berlin has innumerable museums and most of them have special student prices. If you are a student, make sure you carry your student ID with you.
Cheap (or free) things to do in Berlin
Berlin is a city of museums and the good news is the entry ticket to most of these museums are priced at a reasonable rate. You can catch a free ride to the Reichstag’s dome, Germany’s parliament, take a stroll down the East Side Gallery (, visit the Museum Island and the Holocaust memorial, visit the food market and experience the past at the topography of terror.
Why Berlin is a hoppin’ travel destination
Well, each one of us is aware of the horrific history of the World War II and there is no other place which gives you the chill down the spine than Germany’s capital city. From experiencing the past to experiencing the art, there’s a lot to do in Berlin. Travelling in Berlin is actually cheaper than travelling in many European countries, a fact that makes it a good destination for budget