Analysis Of Black Men And Public Space By Brent Staples

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Racism is an overwhelming problem that impacts our country and ultimately, our world greatly. Although, we are in a much better place than we were at the time of the Jim Crow laws, the United States still has many obstacles to overcome. The first article “Black Men and Public Space,” written by Brent Staples, shows different cultures discriminating against others. Staples explains how people stereotype him as the typical black male, even though he has chosen “to remain a shadow--timid, but a survivor” (348). Consequently, he chooses to try and make people more comfortable around him by whistling classics or waiting until certain people pass, in hopes that one day, racism is a thing of the past. Grace Hsiang, the author of the second article …show more content…
Twinkies: The New Discrimination is Intraracial” are the types of racism, gender, personal experience. Although both of the authors wrote about racism, the types of discrimination are quite different. For example, Staples’ writes about the discrimination of one race. He explains how people usually mistake innocent black men for murderers, rapist, or criminals. In other words, he expounds that people judge others prematurely because of their physical appearance. To support this statement, Staples states in his essay “Black Men and Public Space,” how he was treated unfairly: “To her a youngish black man--a broad six feet two inches with a beard and billowing hair, both hands shoved into the pockets of a bulky military jacket--seemed menacingly close. After a few more quick glances, she picked up her pace and was soon running in earnest. Within seconds, she disappeared into a cross street” (Eschholz 346). This quote supports the accusation of discrimination towards African-Americans. The American society and others tend to judge African-Americans based on their color and outward appearance because of how the media portrays them. Contrastly, Hsiang speaks of a discrimination that happens within the same culture. Specifically, the author describes how Asian Americans separate into two groups: FOB’s and Twinkies. To further this statement, Hsiang, the author of FOBs and Twinkies: The New Discrimination is Intraracial, articulates “The problems start when those who have made one choice discriminate against those those who have made another” (Eschholz 343). This quote supports the declaration that certain groups within the Asian cultures discriminate against the opposite groups by summarizing that problems and difficulties arise when discrimination takes

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