American Revolution Dbq

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The American Revolution The colonist revolution against England during the american Revolution can be explained after the seven year war also known as the “ French and Indian War”. During the 18th century after the seven year war the British set Acts like the 1763 proclamation, Stamp Act, Tea Act and Intolerable Act. The “Awakening" also played a huge rule on the colonial people. The seven year war, and Acts are what brought the colonial society closer together to unite together in the American Revolution. The seven years war also known as the “French and Indian War” was fought on 1754 and ended on 1763 with the trendy of paris. The French and the Native Americans fought on the frontier of the Ohio River Valley where the French placed …show more content…
This act created controversy with the colonist because the colonist fought the seven year war for the territory in the first place something king Georg did not give to the colonies.This made the colonies feel like king Gorge did not support the colonies after the seven year war. Instead, the colonies took as ternary from king Georg. Which was the start of what some colonies did not agree with the king of Britain and caused the colonial society closer and unity together in the American …show more content…
The Stamp Act place tax on 15 classes of important documents and also documents the colonies used on a every day bases. This act showed the colonies the king Gorge wanted to tax them, without hearing the colonies opinion. However, the colonies repealed the Stamp Act on 1766. The Stamp Act repeal shows how the colonies did not want to be tax. Which contributed together to stop king Georg from taxing the colonies which showed the kings tyranny on the colonies. The act started to unity the colonies during this act as people protest, “ The Boston Merchants had previously mounted tax protests in 1764 which were effectively boycotts of many British 'finished goods' that had to be imported from England. These boycotted goods had included clothing such as satins, lace and ruffles”(Statement). These helped repeal the act, and showed how the colonies the power of coming together. This Act brought the colonial society closer together and ultimately united them for the American

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