An accidental consequence is a more adequate title. Radicals feared the Tea Act (1773) as rumor spread that it was a way to trick the colonists into being taxed without representation. This led to the dumping of 90,000 lbs of tea into the Boston Harbor. What we recognize today as the Boston Tea Party (1773). As a consequence, Parliament passed five new bills: the Boston Port Bill, the Massachusetts Government Act, the Administration of Justice Act, a new Quatering Act, and the Quebec Act, in order to penalize Boston and Massachusetts. The dissaproving colonists knew these bills as the Intolerable Acts (1774). This led to the First Continental Congress (1775) where colonist paved the grounds for the first national
An accidental consequence is a more adequate title. Radicals feared the Tea Act (1773) as rumor spread that it was a way to trick the colonists into being taxed without representation. This led to the dumping of 90,000 lbs of tea into the Boston Harbor. What we recognize today as the Boston Tea Party (1773). As a consequence, Parliament passed five new bills: the Boston Port Bill, the Massachusetts Government Act, the Administration of Justice Act, a new Quatering Act, and the Quebec Act, in order to penalize Boston and Massachusetts. The dissaproving colonists knew these bills as the Intolerable Acts (1774). This led to the First Continental Congress (1775) where colonist paved the grounds for the first national