How Did New British Policies Influence Imperial Policies

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Imperial policies made by the British were especially made to pay off war debt. As Britain saw itself in a huge debt from their previous Seven Years War, they saw an easy way out and that was to tax the colonists. Several acts such as the Sugar, the Currency, and the Mutiny Act of 1765 were passed in order to get what they wanted. But what they did not realize was that the acts they had passed were only turning the colonists against them and fermenting ideas to commit to republicanism.
At the beginning of the year 1764 many tax policies were imposed in the American colonies. Even though the Colonial assemblies showed their opposition to the absurd taxations on goods the British did not think about it twice. The sugar act of 1764 raised taxes on imported sugar, while at the same time lowering the duties on molasses. In the same year of the Sugar Act also came along the Currency Act of 1763. This was simple and only prohibited the use of paper money. So far this had not stirred up revolt but this was only due to that not everyone in the colonies was affected, only a few colonists were the ones hurt. Even though at the beginning these new British laws were harsh on Americans, after a few years it became easier to accustom to them. But later on the colonists did not react the same way. Although there were no noticeable rebellions from the colonists to the British, their relationships were not the same and anger towards the English became greater. Americans felt antagonized and governed by the British, which only led to upcoming revolts. When the Stamp Act was passed chaos began to spread. Everyone in the colonies was affected by the taxes places on printed documents. Americans had more of a problem with being taxed by the English than just taxes overall. Patrick Henry wrote a pamphlet called “Virginia Resolves” that clearly stated that anyone who placed taxes on Virginians was an enemy. In this pamphlet Patrick Henry discussed a series of solutions to the taxation of the colonists from the British. In this pamphlet it was expressed that the colonists wanted to pay fair taxes to the representatives they had chosen in the colonies. Even after resolutions Patrick Henry offered, colonists were still forced to shelter British troops under the Mutiny Act of 1765 also known as the Quartering act. During this time American settlers were forced to bring in the troops into their homes. They were given no other option but to serve the British army. The problem was not serving the troops as much as it was being forced. Henry
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One of the main acts of resistance was the Boston Tea Party. Groups of Indian men and colonists broke into ships at the Boston port and spilled all the tea into the water. Right after this many other acts of resistance followed. The spilling of the tea at Boston broke out many new protests. Not only were men the ones protesting but women also got involved. Fifty- one women got together and officially signed to show their support for anti-British resolutions. The signing of these documents was the result of the Coercive Acts formed after the Boston Tea

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