Can you imagine running towards a spray of machine guns, throwing yourself on an armed bomb, or risking dangerous situations to save your fellow troops? Few people are capable of committing these brave feats. However, there are some soldiers throughout American history who have put everything on the line for their country and fellow soldiers. One of these valiant men was Alvin York.
Alvin York was born into a poor Tennessean family in 1887. Alvin and his brothers quit school after only nine months so they could help their father hunt and farm to provide food for the family. Once Alvin's father passed away, Alvin became head of the household. He worked on railroad construction to put food on the table for his family. Despite the fact that Alvin was a hard working man who loved his family, he had his flaws. He was a alcoholic who constantly got into drunken bar fights. Although, Alvin changed his drunken ways when his friend died bar fighting. He joined his mother's pacifist church and became a devoted member. …show more content…
Fighting and killing was strictly against his religion. When he received his draft notice, he consulted with his pastor and "was advised to seek conscientious objector status. As a result, he wrote on his draft card, "Don't want to fight." When his case was reviewed by local and state draft authorities, his request was denied as his church was not a recognized Christian sect" (Hickman). Therefore, Alvin York went to war. He was placed in Company G, 328th Infantry Regiment, 82nd Infantry Division (Hickman). He talked to members of his division, and they convinced him that God made sure he was drafted because God wanted Alvin to fight. With this revelation, Alvin became very dedicated to the war