He, as a rich man, needed to give some money away to help the nation. According to “Wealth”, by Andrew Carnegie, giving money away was their duty as rich people. He thought they had some obligations to the country. They needed to set an example and donate as much money as they could to help their community. And that’s the reason why he did it: to follow the social and moral command.…
He used all methods to reduce the price of oil to his consumers as rebates. He gained many profits and his competitors were crushed one by one. Most of his business were fair business competition. Before his death he gave half of his fortune to medical foundations, Churches, and universities. For Carnegie he donated $350,695,654 during his life…
Zebulon Pike was born on January 5,1779 to Isabella Brown and Zebulon Pike Senior in the little town of Lamberton which is now a part of Trenton, New Jersey. He never had a formal education but he loved to read. He joined the army at the age of 15 following in his father’s footsteps and was promoted to cadet at the age of 20. He had his first mission at the age of 26.…
On October 19, 1781, the British surrendered to the American Army during the Battle of Yorktown. Our British general Cornwallis had his base at Yorktown, at the peninsula in Chesapeake Bay, so the British could get supplies from ships arriving in New York. This turned out to become a big mistake… General George Washington saw this as a chance for him to trap the British. In August, a huge French fleet helping to fight for the Americans came from the West Indies and blocked Chesapeake bay.…
September 10, 1776 General George Washington asks for a volunteer to do something extremely dangerous: gather intelligence behind enemy lines before the Battle of Harlem Heights. Captain Nathan Hale leading the 19th Regiment of the Continental Army stepped forward and thn becomes one of the first known American spies of the Revolutionary War. Disguised as a Dutch schoolmaster, Hale is able to successfully slip through British lines and gather information about the British troop movements for the next few weeks. On September 21, 1776, he was captured while sailing along Long Island, looking to cross back into American-controlled territory. He was interrogated by the British General and was found with letters and written documents proving his…
Throughout history every war has a name when the Commander and Chief decide to engage in a war. On 28th September 1781 the battle of Yorktown is also known as the Siege of Yorktown as historians called the war begin. The battle of Yorktown was the last big war of the American Revolution War. The major point of this paper will be on how the Continental army joins forces with the French army. Who commanded the British soldiers and who commanded the combined arms of the French and American soldiers?…
Robert E. Lee Robert E. Lee was born on January 19th, 1807 in Virginia. His family members consisted of greatness such as a president, a chief justice, and signers of the Declaration of Independence. Because of his family’s great achievements, he felt that he himself was also destined for greatness which led him to enroll in the West Point Military Academy at the age of 18. He was just one out of six cadets who graduated from that class without a single demerit. Robert also achieved perfect scores in artillery, infantry and cavalry (Bio.com).…
The American Revolutionary War is very much revered as a “man’s war”. The most recognizable figures from this era were mainly male, however there were several heroines involved in the story of how the United States came to be. Women were often overlooked as viable soldiers, their roles were mostly focused on the upkeep of the base. These jobs included being a laundry maid, waitress, and seamstress for the base residents that could afford it. These roles were neither glamorous nor glorious, and much like the female gender at the time, was looked down upon as unimportant.…
Zachary Taylor was the 12th President of the United States, serving from March 1849 until his death in July 1850. Before his presidency, Taylor was a career officer in the United States Army, rising to the rank of major general. Taylor's status as a national hero as a result of his victories in the Mexican-American War won him election to the White House despite his vague political beliefs. His top priority as president was preserving the Union, but he died seventeen months into his term, before making any progress on the status of slavery, which had been inflaming tensions in Congress.…
The book A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier is the memoir of Joseph Plumb Martin and chronicles his thoughts and experiences as a soldier in the American Revolutionary War. His diary was originally published as A Narrative of Some of the Adventures, Dangers and Sufferings of a Revolutionary Soldier, Interspersed with Anecdotes of Incidents that Occurred Within His Own Observation, and later it was better known as Private Yankee Doodle. The book portrays Revolutionary War battles of historical significance and illustrates the difficulties faced by the soldiers who fought in the war. In 1760, Joseph Plumb Martin was born in western Massachusetts.…
My person is nathan hale he was a white patriot in the american revolution. he helped with the siege on the british when there were the first casualties of war. He also served in connecticut. He was also a spy for the patriots and went to new york city to spy on the british when he was 21 years old. His last words were ¨ my only regret is that i have but one life to give for my country.¨ Hale, Nathan (June 6, 1755 - Sept. 22, 1776), patriot, spy, hanged by the British, long known as the "Martyr Spy" of the Revolutionary War, and now revered as the ideal youthful hero of the Republic, was born in Coventry, among the hills of Tolland County, Conn.…
If John Wilkes Booth had been raised in the North and not the South, he would not have had such extreme views and would not have killed Abraham Lincoln. One could argue that something like this is predestined in a person, or that nature comes before nurture. However, the way Booth was raised clearly had a big part in leading up to his attempted kidnapping and following that, his assassination of America’s sixteenth president. His views radically contradicted those of Lincoln, and when, where, and how he was brought up during his childhood are to blame for these extreme viewpoints. John Wilkes Booth was born one of ten children, near Bel Air, Maryland, the same state he attended Milton Boarding School for Boys.…
Andrew Carnegie was born on November 25, 1835, in Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland. Even though Carnegie grew up with little formal education, he was raised in a family that believed in the gravity of books and learning (“Andrew Carnegie Biography” 1). When Carnegie was 13 years old, his family moved to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. His first job was working as a bobbin boy in a textile mill for only $1.20 per week. One year later, he worked in a telegraph office as a messenger for a slightly higher salary of $2.50 per week.…
In 1892, he gave away more than eighty million dollars to the construction of the University of Chicago, and he helped found the Rockefeller University in his hometown, New York. He was a man who disliked the tobacco and alcohol, he believed his fortune was awarded by God. In that he saw it as his responsibility to divide up the fortune to improve the country and society.…
A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier is a historical narrative about Joseph Plumb Martin 's adventures and efforts while in the Revolutionary War. This classic read uncovers the thoughts and struggles of a soldier in the Revolutionary War during the year 1776. Plumb Martin enlisted in the Continental Army in 1776, and served in New York and Connecticut during the American Revolution. Joseph Plumb Martin was an American patriot for many different reasons. One of those reasons being that he went against his own will to enlist and continue to enlist until the end of the Revolutionary War.…