Anxiety related to health status is a nursing diagnosis that would be appropriate for a client who is about to receive treatment. To ease some of the client’s anxiety, the nurse could educate the client about the disease process using appropriate terminology. …show more content…
Veterans who had been exposed could apply to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for compensatory coverage under the Agent Orange Act that had been developed in 1991. This act was developed for the veterans who are disabled with health conditions directly linked to the exposure of Agent Orange. Advocates of Veteran’s rights enabled the enactment of this bill, which allows nurses to offer better care to Agent Orange patients. Nurses become patient advocates every day when they put on their uniform and offer care to patients. They will fight for their patient to make sure they receive the best possible care (Anonymous, 2015). Another program that has been introduced is the Agent Orange in Vietnam program. “Aspen Institute 's Agent Orange in Vietnam Program (AOVP) is a multi-year project to help Americans and Vietnamese address the continuing health and environmental impact of herbicides sprayed in Vietnam during the war” (The Aspen Institue, 2011, para. 1). This program is designed to promote awareness of the dangerous effects of pesticide use during the Vietnam War, helping to bring awareness and hopefully encourage the veterans to seek medical care when necessary (The Aspen Institue, …show more content…
(2014). Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence based guide to planning care (10th ed.). Maryland Heights, Missouri: Mosby Elesvier.
American Cancer Society Staff. (2013). Agent orange and cancer. Retrieved March 19, 2016, from American Cancer Society website: cancer/cancercauses/othercarcinogens/intheworkplace/agent-orange-and- Cancer
Anonymous. (2015). Post-vietnam dioxin exposure in agent orange contaminated C-123 aircraft. Military Medicine, 180(10), 1019-1021. doi:
Ansbaugh, N. J. (2008). Agent orange as a risk factor for positive prostate biopsy.
The Aspen Institute. (2011). Agent Orange and U.S. veterans. Retrieved from Fiedler, H. (Ed.). (2002). Persistent organic pollutants (Vol. 3). Springer Science