Operation Ranch Hand was a U.S. herbicidal warfare campaign during the Vietnam War from 1962 to 1971. It was a chemical defoliation operation, largely inspired by the British use of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D during the Malayan Emergency in the 1950s. It involved the spraying of the rainbow herbicides (Agents Green, Pink, Purple, Blue, White and Orange, color-coded ) to destroy the plant based ecosystem in Vietnam and deprive the enemy (Viet Cong soldiers) of agricultural food production and advantages in battle. Agent Orange was the most extensive and dangerous chemical sprayed during this campaign..…
Agent Orange was a herbicide an a weedkiller used to eliminate rainforest cover so the VC couldn't use it. Agent orange was used alot in the Vietnam war. According to History.com staff it tells me that about 11 to 13 million gallons of Agent Orage was sparyed in between January of 1965 in April 1970. Agent Orange is most known to come in orange striped containers.…
Another program that has been introduced is the Agent Orange in Vietnam program. “Aspen Institute 's Agent Orange in Vietnam Program (AOVP) is a multi-year project to help Americans and Vietnamese address the continuing health and environmental impact of herbicides sprayed in Vietnam during the war” (The Aspen Institue, 2011, para. 1). This program is designed to promote awareness of the dangerous effects of pesticide use during the Vietnam War, helping to bring awareness and hopefully encourage the veterans to seek medical care when necessary (The Aspen Institue,…
U.S. helping defuse Vietnam’s dioxin hot spots blamed on Agent Orange I believe that the U.S. should’ve helped Vietnam right after the war was over because prolonged exposure to Agent Orange has negatively affected people living in Vietnam. First, “Three of her four children were born severely disabled… Truong, 28… cannot speak, bathe himself, or eat on his own.” It would be extremely difficult for a mother watching her own children grow up, knowing that her children will never be normal, Next, “... eating food raised or grown in contaminated areas, thousands, of Americans and millions of Vietnamese were exposed to dioxin. There is no treatment for it. “ Broad impact affected pedestrians and fellow U.S. soldiers even though this chemical…
The United States Armed Forces and veterans have sacrificed their entire lives to protect those of civilians, and because of that they deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, and care. Unfortunately, many veterans never fully recover from their military careers, and are left either partially or completely disabled due to physical and/or mental injury. This leaves them unable to work and provide for themselves and their families. An even smaller portion of these veterans were left disabled as a direct result of Operation Ranch Hand, during the Vietnam War. Through Operation Ranch Hand, United States forces dispersed three types of herbicides over enemy grounds.…
In document “Agent Orange,” it is said that this use of chemical weapon made it so that if a human was exposed to it, would cause “muscular dysfunction, birth defects, various cancers,” and more after that. Generations later children are now born with harmful disorders and defects that are still talked about to this day. Now chemical weapons weren’t the only weapon that was widely talked about. The use of Napalm which was a mixture of gasoline and liquid that stuck onto human skin and set aflame. In document 5 “ Use of Napalm,” it is said that napalm gradually melted the flesh off of the humans.…
Agent orange still causing cancer and tumors decades later. Agent orange was used during the Vietnam war from 1961-1971. It was made to eliminate enemy cover and cause no harm. We later discovered that was not the case. It caused much damage to veterans giving them cancer and tumors.…
The major opposition the movement posed against the Vietnam draft was the amount of men it demanded, netting about “forty-thousand men each month”. To support this, taxes had also been raised up to a total of “twenty-five billion dollars.” A major outset for protesting in the war was when “one-hundred thousand” protested at the Lincoln Memorial, and “thirty-thousand thousand”, then went on to riot at the Pentagon. Similar to this, war veterans who were physically scarred or disabled were shown on live television throwing medals away, telling terrifying war stories to discourage volunteers, and generally showing the grotesque side of war, winning more protesters to the protesting movement each…
By July of 1965, over a half million American troops were in the battle which angered the American people only because LBJ did not address this decision to them. All LBJ wanted to do was to continue what his predecessors were trying to accomplish which was bring Saigon and all of Southeast Asia into peace and make them an ally with America. However, when America entered the war, they were not prepared for how powerful the Vietnamese were, especially in North Vietnam. The Vietnamese took advantage of their forests hiding the troops, bases, and supplies in the jungle. America fought back, though, bombing North Vietnam using “orange bombs” or Napalm bombs which destroyed most of North Vietnam supplies and killing many people (information my father told me).…
The past few weeks have covered the Vietnam War through many different angles, all of which were attempted to be covered up by the American government. These topics were meant to remain a secret. With events like the attempted cover up of the My Lia massacre in mind, the question that is to be debated is the morality of secret actions in the terms of protecting the American public. The American policy towards secrecy should be to declassify any document that is not relevant in any ongoing act, in order to keep the public informed on what its country is doing during a time of war. With the public aware of the actions of its government is the only small checks and balance the public will have in hopes of keeping the government on a morally…
Canadian unemployment dropped to 3.9 percent – a record low – and GDP rose by 6% annually during the war (Victor, 2011). Also, the infamous “Agent Orange”, a defoliant whose purpose was to destroy forested land in order to rob the Communists of food sources and cover, was tested at Canadian Bases in New Brunswick (Canadian Press, 2007). American pilots also practiced bombing and spraying runs in Alberta and Saskatchewan. The herbicide drastically increases the risk of Hodgkin 's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma, prostate cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, leukemia, and other skin, digestive, nerve, and respiratory conditions (Victor, 2011). The end of the conflict saw thousands of refugees flee out of South Vietnam, with Canada admitting over 50,000 people from 1975 to 1979 (Canadian Press,…
Chemical Warfare in WWI Why did I pick this subject? I choose this because i’m interested in Chemical Warfare during WW1. In this essay you will learn when and why It started, what kind of chemicals they used in bombs and gases, who fought in the warfare, how it affected lives of people during this time, and when it ended. Chemical Warfare started by the Germans one hundred years ago on January 2, 1915. The Germans had first attacked using Chlorine gas.…
It is believed that the dioxin byproduct of Agent Orange is what is causing these severe disabilities in the citizens of Vietnam. The United States has donated $21 million to aid those who are suffering…
However the most common and firm belief is that vietnam took victory in the end. But what was there price? There were millions of vietnamese that died during the war, soldiers, mothers, children, with a death toll in the millions, but what about the people still affected by it today? In the years of 1961 up to 1971, the u.s government was sending out a chemical known as agent orange and spreading it all over the country in order to kill the jungle and take away the viet kongs advantage. Agent orange is a chemical that is filled with dioxin; one of the most deadly substances to man.…
I learned in the Vietnam war, I found out about something called orange decease the Vets said it was everywhere, even in the stream they drank from, so the Vets said all of them had gotten it one way or another, they said it was even on the trees. They said the war was very difficult, they didn’t even get supportive gear, which would protect them, but they weren't aloud to, the only things they got to wear where the clothes that they had on, they didn’t have any other clothes. When they where in the war the only way they could communicate with family and friends were a letter hand written unlike now everyone has phones and computers, they didn’t have the stuff we had all they got too use was a pencil/pen and paper. But they still got to talk…