Thrombosis Case Study

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Taking an evidence-based approach to deep venous thrombosis research studies reveals the clinical practice guidelines are a valuable tool to improve clinical practice and patient outcome. Preventing deep vein thrombosis in the inpatient hospital setting is important to reduce the risk of fatal and non-fatal pulmonary embolism and post-thrombotic complications. Proximal deep venous thrombosis (DVT) can cause post-thrombotic syndrome and can develop into life-threatening pulmonary embolism (Restrepo, P. Jameson, D. & Carroll, D (2015). Therefore, the intervention to improve VTE prophylaxis is among the top ten patient safety strategies for the patient who has had recent surgery, immobility and/or multiple co-morbidities (Arabi, Y. Saud, K. (2015).

According to Lip, G. & Hull, R. (2018), there are multiple risk factors for deep venous thrombosis including recent surgery, trauma, immobilization, malignancy, use of estrogens, smoking, and long travel. Several research studies found 10 to 20% of the medical patients can develop deep venous thrombosis and up to 40 to 80% of patient who have had recent surgery, such as hip or knee surgery, or major trauma.
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According to the most recent Chest guidelines, pharmacologic prophylaxis with anticoagulants is indicated for the patients who are in the high risk or moderate risk hospitalized patients. The Chest guidelines recommend MM prophylaxis as non-pharmacologic methods for VTE prophylaxis for the patient has recent orthopedic surgery, trauma, and high-risk bleeding patients. In addition, it recommends intermittent pneumatic compression device for a most non-orthopedic surgical patient and for all orthopedic patients (Lip, G. & Hull, R,

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