Age Of Accountability In The Holman Bible

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In Scripture there is not a specific answer to what age a child should be held accountable for their sins. Since the Bible does not state an exact age it has led to various views of what the age of accountability is. There are also a lot of different factors that play a role into the idea of age of accountability. All children develop differently and some have developmental disabilities. These two ideas make it even harder to pin point the age when children reach the age of accountability.
The Holman Bible Dictionary defines the idea of age of accountability in the following way, “is that time in the development of a person when he or she can and invariably does sin against God and thus stands in the need of personal redemption through Jesus
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“Adam’s guilt requires some sort of volitional choice as well. If ‘unconscious sin’ is valid, then ‘unconscious faith’ is valid. Both notions are dubious in Erickson’s mind. As for children who die in infancy or an early age, despite their participation in Adam’s sin, they are somehow accepted and saved.” Beach summaries Erickson’s belief by saying, “Nevertheless infants who die do not suffer the eternal penalty, for that penalty falls only on those who themselves responsibly sin.”
To support his claims on the view of age of accountability Erickson uses Deuteronomy 1:39. “And the little ones that you said would be taken captive, your children who do not yet know good from bad—they will enter the land. I will give it to them and they will take possession of it.” In this verse Moses addresses the idea of age of accountability because he tells the Israelites that the sinning they have done will affect them but not the children who do not know what they are
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Some things that would help the mothers worry about her child’s salvation would be to comfort her and try to give her answers that can be supported by Scripture. I would try to comfort her by reassuring the fact that God has created her son Kevin for a reason and that God does have a purpose for him. For biblical support I would read Exodus 4:10-11, and explain to her that even though Moses struggled talking God had a plan him. I would direct her to other pieces of Scripture that talk about God use those who are seen as having no benefit to the body of Christ to accomplish miraculous

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