Before the ACA many American’s did not have health insurance because the cost for health insurance even through an employer continued to sky rocket and was just too expensive. The individual mandate not only made it so that more individuals would end up acquiring health insurance, but helped to reduce the extreme cost of health insurance. It also made it more easily attainable to have reasonably priced health insurance for those who were self-employed which was a huge deal. Many American’s who have their own business took the loss of not having health insurance prior to the ACA because private health insurance cost was outrageous, but with the ACA they were able to get health insurance at a better…
Another options that the Affordable Care Act offers is a tax subsidy. The tax credit is created to help small businesses, and 501 (c) tax-exempt organizations and targeted to those who have low to moderate income employees. The requirement for eligibility are: paying premiums for employee health insurance under a qualifying arrangement; having fewer than 25 full-time-equivalent employees (FTEs) for the tax year; and paying average annual wages of less than $50,000 per FTE (inflation-adjusted to $50,800 for tax years beginning in 2014) (Bernardi, 2014). The arrangement for premium payments is having the employer pay at minimum 50% of an employee-only coverage. The threshold for phasing out is $25000-$50000 and the health insurance premium must…
The landscape for transgender healthcare has been radically impacted by the passage and implementation of the Affordable Care Act [ACA]. The ACA paved the way for the state and country to address the discrimination and barriers to accessing care that many transgender people have experienced. Over the past few years there have been significant changes to trans-specific healthcare coverage, which can be attributed to the clarification of Senate Bill 2 and the state and federal mandates. In this paper I will discuss the laws more in-depth, how they affect Kaiser Permanente specifically, and some recommendations on how to support fully inclusive healthcare. Background…
Millions of uninsured Americans now have access to affordable health insurance and in turn, new taxes were implemented to help pay for the uninsured. Over half of uninsured Americans can acquire free or low cost health insurance, and to offset for this you are required to obtain health insurance, request an exemption, or pay a fee. ACA ensures that you can’t be dropped from coverage when you get sick, have pre-existing conditions, or be charged more for being a woman. Because insurance companies are required to cover everyone; insurance rated go up. Medicaid has expanded to cover millions who fall below the poverty level.…
The Affordable Care Act ( ACA) was initially created so that low-income families could receive health care benefits. This led to a court case between the National Federation of Independent Business and Kathleen Sebelius, where the Affordable Care Act was questioned its constitutionality. The National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius allowed people to be aware of the current healthcare issues and how the court case impacted the healthcare system. Primarily, the introduction of the court case enabled the awareness of healthcare issues in the United States.…
The Affordable Care Act is one of the most talked about and debated subjects that our country has focused on for the past 6 years. The Affordable Care Act is a federal statute that was signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010. This act was structured to help with hospitals and primary physicians which would transform their practices financially, technologically and clinically to drive better health care for individuals by lowering the costs and improve the methods of distribution and accessibility. By all accounts the initial reason for the ACA was to aid in increasing the availability for health insurance to those individuals that could not afford insurance. The act requires all insurance companies to cover all application within new minimum standards and offer the same rates regardless of preexisting continuous or what sex the individual is.…
The Affordable Care Act is meant to improve both the public and private aspects of insurance systems. Ever since this act was enacted, there have been both positive and negative aspects. The American system for healthcare has come a long way since then. In 2008, one in every set of seven people did not have healthcare coverage . The ACA was made in order to make sure as many people as possible were insured and that healthcare costs should decrease with time .…
1. There are two main types of third party payers: private insures and public programs. Private payers sell insurance as a product in order to invest into health benefits, where the provider gets paid for the delivered healthcare service. Commercial insurers, Bleu Cross Blue Shield and self-insures are the main private insures in the country. BCBS is a set of independent companies that are required to follow the rules of the main nationwide association in order to be part of it.…
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted in 2010 to guarantee more choices, expand health care coverage, lower health care costs, enhance quality care, and held insurance companies accountable not to deny coverage to consumers based on pre-existing conditions. ACA has ten major provisions that affect how the law is implemented, some of these provisions go into effect immediately and some provisions are phased over time. Title I of the law is to provide quality and affordable health care for all Americans. It lets the American people be in control of their own healthcare, reduces insurance premiums, and provide benefits and tax breaks for individuals.…
It has caused health insurance to rise, and it has been said that the Affordable Care Act was going to ease the financial burden on Americans and improve their coverage and care. Neither of the two has yet to occur. The Affordable Care Act has also forced everyone to pay for the taxes that Obamacare requires. Every health plan with more than $25 million dollars of premiums has to pay a portion of that giant tax (Brase). In other words, even those who are not covered by Obamacare, but instead have private insurance plans, will still be required to pay the tax through premium increases and other fees (Brase).…
For employees with very low-income employees, whom cannot afford their employer’s coverage, will become eligible for health care, without any penalty for employers. The Affordable Care Act also created new protections to ensure your insurance plan covers you when you need it and enhances these protections by eliminating limits on the amount of benefits you can receive. By doing so, one will be rewarded with quality of care, rather than the quantity of care. Another benefit from the ACA is, it will help against health care fraud and small business tax credits. Other positive benefits include strengthening Medicare with yearly wellness visits for Medicare recipients, and holding insurance companies accountable and require the insurers justify any premium increase of 10% or…
The Affordable Care Act, or Obama Care, is a law signed and passed in 2010 by President Barack Obama. It was passed because it is supposed to help with the cost, accessibility, and overall quality of health care insurance like Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, etc. However, anyone who doesn't have insurance by 2014 will have to pay a fee and are all but being told that they have to have to choose from a private insurance with higher prices. ("ObamaCare Explained: An Explanation of ObamaCare") Initially, the Affordable Care Act was meant to help with the cost of insurance.…
"The Affordable Care act (Obamacare) main focus is on providing more Americans with access to affordable health insurance, improving the quality of health care and health insurance, regulating the health insurance industry, and reducing health care spending in the US." Yet five years since the implementation of Obamacare, 30.1 million people lost there private insurance,because it did not meet the 10 essential health benefits. Another 3-5 million people will lose there company sponsored health insurance, since companies find it cheaper to pay the penalty than buying there employees health insurance. Also medications will become more expensive due too new taxes that will increase prescriptions for individuals. Americans will find it cheaper…
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was implemented in 2014. It's goal is to expand health insurance coverage. Early evidence shows the uninsured rates are growing in numbers within minority populations. The ACA is set out to expand insurance coverage, access to doctors and hospitals, as well as prescription medications. Racial and ethical disparities have been well documented in past years.…
1. Do you think the US needed healthcare reform? Defend your response by explaining why or why not healthcare reform was needed. I think that the US did need a healthcare reform, because I am one of the few people that think that healthcare is a right and not just for the privileged. I think that healthcare should be a right because everyone needs it at some point in their lives and I feel that if we have a universal healthcare system like many other countries, the US could be in the top percentage of life expectancy rates.…