Advantages And Disadvantages Of Travelling Abroad Essay

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Travelling abroad is one of the best ways to step outside of your comfort zone. Everything is different – the people, the language, the food, the sight, the smell and an entirely new culture. Although most of the people who travel abroad experience some degree of culture shock, it is nothing to be afraid of. In fact, experiencing culture shock can be a very positive thing as it gives you the opportunity to learn about yourself, adapt to the new surroundings, understand different kinds of people, widen your horizons about different cultures that inhabit this planet and emerge as a global citizen.
As an international student traveling from Pakistan to the United States for the first time, I encountered many things that shocked my nerves and appetite for a while. Here I present six of the many positive things that you should expect
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The Traffic system and driving etiquettes:
The US has very developed highway systems with many lanes and intersections. After landing in America, I realized how critical a well-organized traffic and transport system is for a country’s socioeconomic progress. The road preference (which I really appreciated) was like this: Pedestrians> Bikes> Rest of the vehicles. I was amazed by the way the traffic behaved without any intervention from the traffic policeman.
Another noticeable thing was the high pollution control. No vehicle emitted even a puff of hazardous smoke. But what absolutely shocked my nerves was the non-existent noise pollution! Honking is considered rude in America. The number of times I heard the sound of horn in America was zero. In some States, honking is even prohibited unless it’s done to promote safe driving and prevent accidents.
It shocked me as a Pakistani where honking is considered birthright. Driving peacefully to my destination was not a norm for me and sometimes I would literally miss the varieties of horns in Pakistan – especially the one which sounds like a barking dog.

6. The Pet culture and love for

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