It can be thought of as an unnoticed war within the boundaries of our country, a war that has claimed the lives 56 million unborn children in the last 41 years. Abortion is also looked down upon by society because the Hippocratic Oath that doctors ~ forbids abortion, abortion promotes disposal of human life, and it conflicts the idea of the founding fathers unalienable right to life. ~ Moreover, abortion should be illegal because the procedure is unsafe and leads to problems, diseases, complications and in some cases, even death for the mother. According to a study conducted in June 2003 by the International Journal of Epidemiology, estimated that 15% of miscarriages that occur during the first trimester are lined to a previous abortion procedure that women have had performed to themselves (ProCon 5). This can lead to a decrease in the chances of a woman being able to become pregnant when the women actually wants a child. Furthermore, 2 studies that were conducted in 2013 and February of 2014 that were submitted to the Indian Journal of Cancer and the Cancer Causes and Control found that breast cancer and abortion procedures previously performed on women were linked to each other due a correlation with women who were diagnosed with breast cancer and have had abortion procedures performed in their past (ProCon 5). Complications like breast cancer can cause death of women who have had abortions in their past if the cancer cells go undetected. Consequently, these diseases and complications deem abortion more dangerous than childbirth. Less than 1% of abortions that are performed pursue the effort to save the life of the mother. To illustrate, this means that abortions that have no purpose of saving the mother’s life are simply just defined as convenient abortions for the purpose of just not wanting a child and making a mistake during procreation or choosing whether or not to have the baby based off of its gender. All of the evidence from the studies …show more content…
For example, research on state support in Florida for abortion reveals that Florida had an abortion ban enacted in the year 2000 that outlawed abortions as early as 12 weeks. However, a court held that the abortion ban was unconstitutional and the ban was repealed (Florida :: NARAL 1). In stark contrast, Minnesota ratified the Women’s Economic Security Act which encourages women to bear their child by prohibiting pregnancy related discrimination in the workplace