Animal Testing The issue of animal testing has been a topic for heated discussions for the recent years. It is necessary to point out that humans and animals have significant biological similarities which make it possible for the scientists to predict human's reaction to certain chemicals, cosmetics, and medicine . There are three major areas of animal testing including biomedical research, animals test using, and the cost of animal testing The first major area of animal testing is biomedical research. Animal testing is that during the process of biomedical research animals are kept in captivity or can even be killed.…
The ethical considerations surrounding animal rights are profound and multifaceted. Animals are sentient beings capable of experiencing pain, fear, and distress. The recognition of their capacity for suffering imposes a moral obligation to treat them with respect and compassion. The current practice of animal testing blatantly disregards these ethical imperatives, treating animals as mere tools rather than beings with intrinsic…
The question of whether if testing on animals is ethical and humane was raised and examined. Up until the 20th century, animal testing was looked at as ethical under any circumstances. It was assumed that animals feel very little to no pain and don’t have the same rights as humans. According to M.A. Fox, an ethical philosopher, “Animals do not have ‘rights’ equivalent to humans due to their exclusion from the human ‘moral community’” (Baier 137-138).…
Each year, over 100 million animals- including mice, rats, frogs, hamsters, rabbits, dogs, monkeys, fish, and birds- loose their life due to animal testing. Scientists claim animal testing is the best way to develop medical treatments. However, animal cruelty…
Amber Hufford Mr. Limone Composition 12/11/15 Albert Einstein once said: “Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Through this statement, Einstein shows how important all living creatures are. Human or not they deserve to have a life they enjoy. Testing on animals takes their joy away.…
Imagine being separated from your family at birth, thrown into a cage, fed badly, forgotten about, unloved, and tortured through some of the most terrifying and worst pain? This is the daily life of a test animal. It is horrible, torturous, and unfair. Animal testing should be forbidden in every country. It is a completely pointless thing to do, and creates many negative effects on both animals and people.…
Animal Testing Over 100 million animals are projected to animal testing each year and are killed in laboratories whether or not the test was a success or a failure. Animal testing includes experiments on mice, rats, cats, dogs, monkeys and much more animal species for cosmetic use. Despite that it might help with new discoveries in science, animal testing is a form of abuse that no animal should have to undergo. Animals are not the only organism that is able to be tested on, many great treatments and discoveries have been tested on organisms other than animals.…
Animal Testing “Animal testing is, procedures performed on living animals for the purpose of research into biology and diseases determining the liability of new medical products, and testing the human health and/or the safety of the product for the buyer and store products including, cosmetics, household cleaners, food additives, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals. Millions of animals are used every year in the United States for scientific and commercial testing. Almost all animals used in experiments are not protected by the AWA (Animal Welfare Act.) Animal testing should be outlawed.…
More than 100 million animals get tested on each year. Animal testing is cruel and inhumane, It is cruel and inhumane because they are living things but unfortunately get tested on whether they would like to or not. Animal testing should also end because it’s very expensive and there’s alternatives for animal testing now. Animal testing is cruel and deserves to end. Animals are very different from humans which make animals poor test subjects.…
After studying multiple views on animal testing I have come to realize my personal view has now changed since the start of my research. Before undergoing heavy study into animal testing I believed that all types of animal testing should be stopped, but now I believe that the idea is very beneficial and should only be done when the rights of the animal are considered. In the coming years, hopefully, more regulations can be passed to ensure that all animal’s lives are protected during experimentation. Although most animals are treated with care and no pain is dealt to them when undergoing testing, it would be a lie if I stated no animals are harmed during the process. Animal testing is extremely useful in developing life-saving drugs and medicine.…
Do you own a Maybelline mascara? Oh no! You got it in your eye, never fear defenseless animals are here they will try it out for you to make sure you're okay. They have tried it all poking in their eye’s, smearing it on their eye and even eating it, all day long,just so you don’t have to stress. “An estimated 100 million animals are exploited in biomedical, aeronautic, automotive, military, agricultural, and cognitive research and in consumer product…
Every year 12-27 million animals, are killed in the U.S. for biology lessons, medical training, curiosity-driven experimentation, and chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics testing. It is cruel to use animals as test subjects to our own convenience (PETA 4). There may be some benefits to animal testing but in the long run it is still wrong. Even though animal testing contributes to lifesaving cures and treatments, this does not justify the suffering of animals. Animals suffer everyday from testing.…
Though I concede that in some situations, animal testing may be useful, such as in immensely important medical studies, I still maintain that it is unnecessary to make an animal suffer and be discriminated against. Although some people may think that animal testing is healthy and beneficial to humans, I believe that animal testing is unethical and utterly wrong because of the unfair repulsive treatment that animals receive from scientists. This topic is important because the world we live in is as much an animal 's world as it is a human’s world and right now humans are discriminating and enslaving…
Animals are used in laboratories and consequently mistreated when used for testing of medical theories, the safety of products, and other scientific experiments. Sadly, such creatures suffered extreme pain while being tested on, and it is the same pain humans would feel if they were being submitted through such experiments, consequently, animals should not be used for research and scientific experimentation because it is cruel and immoral. Animals should…
According to, an animal test is any scientific experiment or test in which a live animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm. Animal testing is used to test products with dangerous chemicals, such as drugs and cosmetics, to ensure they are safe for humans. The Animal Welfare Act allows animals to be burned, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, forcibly restrained, addicted to drugs and brain damaged by using them in laboratories used for animal testing. All of these tormenting things are unnecessary and overperformed in this era, which is shown from studies from a former secretary for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. He, Michael O Leavitt, said that nine out of ten experimental drugs fail in studies because humans can’t truly predict how they will act on people based on laboratory and animal studies.…