I follow him inside, trying to ignore the smell, and I take in the sight before me. The house has been trashed. Kane doesn’t look surprised.
I walk through the interior weaving between broken remnants of furniture and housewares making my way to the one room still intact, the bathroom. Kane follows, leaning against the threshold. “You did this because of me.” It’s not a question.
“No, I did it because of me. Because of what I said to you that morning that made you run.”
“I’m sorry Kane, really sorry…about everything.”
“I’m not. You needed to get away. We both had shit to …show more content…
“I want you Kane. I need you to make me yours forever. Nothing between us ever again. Just you and me. My past is over; the guilt doesn’t control me anymore.”
He thrusts inside me in one powerful movement filling me completely, stretching my walls, letting me know I’ve been reclaimed.
His thrusts are hard and fast. Neither of us is going to last long. “I’m going to come in you baby. I want you feel it all, feel everything I pour into you.”
I scream out his name as the waves of pleasure take hold. My walls spasm pulling the milky seed from Kane’s body with my own.
We collapse against the vanity remaining as one, both of us struggling to catch our breath.
“I swear to God Alessandra; I can’t lose you again. Next time…”
“There won’t be a next time. The only place I’ll be running to is into your arms.” His lips come over mine kissing me, letting me know everything is going to be fine. I’m home.
We take a short, cold shower. The newly ignited water heater hasn’t produced any hot water yet. Kane starts a fire and we fall asleep in the warmth of the flames lying together on couch cushions set on the floor between pieces of upturned furniture. I don’t care what state the house is in, I’m home, that’s all that