Summary Of Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee

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Our country has a history of fighting wars, creating conflicts, and devastating relations once held throughout the world. We learn about these events because they have played and continue playing important roles in society; but what about the events that the United States has been involved with, that may not have been important to the world, but was important to a certain race of people who ultimately got their freedom taken away from them. The race we never largely learned about in school, and the people 's freedom we stole from was that of the Native Americans. In Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, the author Dee Brown tells the story from the Natives perspective, and really shows how in most cases the U.S. government acted poorly in most Indian related matters. The mistakes the United States Government made, could have easily been prevented if they had considered the Natives as humans. In chapter 4, The Cheyenne, Arapahos, Sioux, and other tribes agreed to let the whites use their land for trade and for posts in 1851, but the white man 's flooding of the territory over the next 7 years would prove too much for the natives. The natives signed a treaty giving them less land than they already hand, and to make the matter worse, U.S. soldiers arrived to take care of Confederates hiding in the area. After Lean Bears death there had been several fights among the whites and natives, but after talking with some U.S. officials, Black Kettle was convinced that he and his people were safe from any confliction. “So confident were the Indians of absolute safety, they kept no night watch except of the pony herd.” (Brown 87). Black Kettle would be proven wrong the next morning when the U.S. soldiers attacked the Cheyennes on Sand Creek. A very large majority of the Natives at Sand Creek were massacred, including the women and children. If so many of the U.S. soldiers hadn’t been sent to this area and they weren’t told to kill hostile Indians, I think that the fighting and possibly even the massacre could have been prevented. Another instance in the book where violence could’ve been prevented is when the U.S soldiers enter the Powder River territory and trying convincing the chiefs to go to Fort Laramie and give up their land. Few chiefs sign, including Red Cloud, and become even more frustrated with the U.S. when they learn that they want to put a road through it. They feel betrayed and begin harassing people using the Bozeman Road, and they eventually start attacking white settlers. The U.S. surrenders the territory, creating a large victory for the Red Cloud and his people. “After two years of resistance, Red Cloud had won his war.” (Brown 145). The attacks on settlers and other whites could’ve been prevented had they decided to give more to the Sioux for the road they wanted to build. In addition to the U.S. ignorance, the Apache people in chapter 9 are coexisting with the whites until Chief Cochise is brought to testify in a military court and is imprisoned despite his innocence. After escaping, he joins forces with Mangas and begins terrorizing white operations and settlements until the U.S. soldiers arrive and kill Mangas. In …show more content…
The Cheyenne decided not to stay, but soon learn that had been betrayed by the U.S once again. Forced to stay in the fort, they soon found out that the supplies were very scarce and that even hunting buffalo would be pointless because there were hardly any. “There was not enough to eat on this empty land-no wild game, no clear water to drink, and the agent did not have enough rations to feed them all.” (Brown 334). In an act of survival, the Cheyennes split up and go to Red Clouds reservation or north to their old home. After both groups had been captured, they were put in reservations and eventually were given their own reservation on the Tongue River. The U.S. could have easily avoided bloodshed and hassle by keeping their promise to let them leave, and then give them the reservation that ultimately was given to them

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