In this assessment I will be showing the prejudice that is shown in ‘An Inspector Calls’ and ‘Of Mice and Men’. Prejudice is a form of hate shown mainly towards groups of people for no reason other than, the colour of their skin or their genders, etc. Prejudice has caused mass oppression in different cultures and cities e.g. human slavery and racist attacks towards black people. Prejudice mainly comes from stereotyping groups and giving people certain traits just because of groups that they get stereotyped to. For example old people are stereotyped as weak and boring so people underestimate what they …show more content…
In ‘Of Mice and Men’ Candy’s dog gets took away by Carlson so they can ‘shoot him right in the back of the head’ this links to the ending as Lennie gets shot in the back of the head. By foreshadowing this event using Candy’s dog the reader starts wondering if there will be anymore killings such as Lennie’s. Knowing that men on the ranch are capable of killing living things with no remorse makes the reader understand that in the 1930’s people would fire you or kill animals if they or you were of no use to them. In ‘An Inspector Calls’ Priestley uses foreshadowing to create another technique which is dramatic irony. Mr Birling is making a speech about how the capitalist world is heading for great things such as the Titanic, he says ‘-the Titanic…and unsinkable, completely unsinkable’. The play was shown in 1914, after the titanic sunk, however the play was in 1912 obviously before it sunk. By using foreshadowing to create dramatic irony Priestley manages to make the audience realise how foolish Mr Birling is. The more and more Mr Birling talks in the play, the more dramatic irony is used making his capitalist thoughts and views more and more arrogant and ungrateful instantly making the audience dislike him. Priestley was clever when using this as it shows his own points of view as well as educating the