Little Rock Central High School Home of the Tigers is the first with 9 colored students in their school. The 9 Melba Beals,Elizabeth Eckford,Terrence Roberts,Earnest Green,Minijjean Brown,Thelma Mothershed,Gloria Ray,Jefferson Thomas, and Carlotta Walls.There were initially 11 students, but on the first day it was hard and they dropped out.On the first day 8 of the 9 was together at NAACP president Daisy Bates house.The 1 left out, Elizabeth Eckford did not receive the call because her family did not have a phone.
When they left the national guards were there to keep the negroes out. Hazel Bryan a mob member is showing so much hatred for Elizabeth her face is the symbol of hatred …show more content…
The bus was getting full and the black male sitting with her gave up his seat to a white man. Another stop a white man stepped on to the bus and told Rosa to get out her seat, but Rosa refused and sat there. The bus driver called the police and Rosa Parks was arrested. Rosa Parks was bailed out of jail on the same day by her husband Raymond Parks. As though civil rights stories portray her as a little black woman whose feet was hurting and aching that is not true at all. Rosa knew that she was doing that for a larger idea in the black community. Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat and being arrested was the start of something new. A new protest that would really hurt the …show more content…
Negro created organization?
NAACP Still?
Where are the blacks on Montgomery buses?
By Ra’Payton Quan by Ra’Payton Quan by Ra’Sergin Quan
What exactly is the NAACP you hear of. Well the NAACP is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The NAACP was founded by 8 people and surprisingly only two of them is black. The founders of this organization are Ida Wells,W. E. B. Du Bois,Archibald Grimké, Oswald Villard, Lillian Wald, Mary White Ovington, William Walling, and Henry Moskowitz.
NAACP first task was to try to stop lynching by a anti-lynching rule. NAACP also focused on the integration of schools.The NAACP successfully lobbying for legislation that resulted in the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Act. The NAACP did not easily give up to stop helping colored students succeed. The NAACP did not attack the people with the strategy they attacked the courts which was the best thing they could have ever done. While attacking courts for racial equality one of the black leaders W.E.B. Du Bois was writing the Crisis to teach whites we should be equal.
( First Logo of the NAACP that was founded in 1909-1910 in New