1984 And One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Comparison Essay

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Due to the intricacy of the English language, many words, such as stationary and stationery, are commonly confused. At first glance, it is hard to decipher a difference between the two words, as a miniscule letter exchange is all that separates them. However, even though they share similar aspects in regards to spelling when analyzing their definitions it becomes apparent that they share no commonalities. Likewise, iconic protagonists, Winston Smith and Randle McMurphy, and antagonists, Big Brother and Nurse Ratched, have qualities that are both obviously comparable and, upon analysis contrastable. While the protagonists both rebel against the rules that they are expected to follow, receive harsh punishments for their actions and are subsequently broken in the end, they differ in the fact that McMurphy is not crazy yet fakes it in order to use to his advantage, while Smith was in fact crazy but not aware until the …show more content…
From the commencement of both novels the two protagonists continually push boundaries which eventually leads into complete abandonment of them. In the grasp of a dystopia full of oppressive rulers, the directives are meant to be followed as the “logic of their position demanded it”. However, Smith rebels against the regime because they are “interested solely in power, pure power”. Smith eventually joins the Brotherhood, a rebellious organization, which is the ultimate act of treason in the eyes of the Party. Facing a similarly oppressive force McMurphy defies the uncompromisable governing force of his mental asylum. The lifestyle of the Combine is “based on the strong getting stronger by devouring the weak” and after accepting that McMurphy aggressively goes against the ward just as Smith goes against the

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