The Bracero program, which means that a temporary annual guest worker permits for low skilled Mexican farm workers, was suspended after the Immigration Act of 1965, Mexicans farm laborers could stay in Mexico, immigrate on behalf of their family or enter the U.S illegally. Many came illegally to U.S. because it was really cheap and easy for them to cross the border. From the 1970s, Mexican immigrant have helped expand U.S. the most, strengthening the bonds of interdependence that have tied some immigrant-source regions to the U.S. for more than a
The Bracero program, which means that a temporary annual guest worker permits for low skilled Mexican farm workers, was suspended after the Immigration Act of 1965, Mexicans farm laborers could stay in Mexico, immigrate on behalf of their family or enter the U.S illegally. Many came illegally to U.S. because it was really cheap and easy for them to cross the border. From the 1970s, Mexican immigrant have helped expand U.S. the most, strengthening the bonds of interdependence that have tied some immigrant-source regions to the U.S. for more than a