The Gilded Age

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America has always had a flexible identity created by our many freedoms and technological advancements, leading to both economic and social changes. The roaring twenties formed a very broad yet bold name for America through the racial mix, social tension, cultural modernism and the amount of conflict that went down. A more modern era came about, which made people self-assured and wealthy, but when cultural advancement was brought into the picture, it caused ruthless reactions. The Identity of the United States in 1920 was tense and harsh, yet progressive and ambitious, as a result of our many freedoms. The term “The Gilded Age” was used by Mark Twain to synthesize the political corruption and greed that was in the air after the civil …show more content…
It caused men to not be able to come back to their wives and this led the women to spend their life having fun and not waiting on their significant other to come home. People had analyzed the danger of the war and came to the conclusion that life is short and it can be taken away any time. After the war women were able to have occupations, and the Gilded Age created a lot of clerking jobs for women, so they took advantage of it. Women also stretched the rules of society and brought about the identity of a flapper by engaging in the active nightlife, changing up the style, and drinking. Flappers often went to clubs and consumed more alcohol in the time that it was illegal than any other decade ( They also smoked and had carefree attitudes. Clara Bow was a woman that many younger ladies looked up to. She was an actress who was referred to as the “it girl” and was America 's first sex symbol (The Rise of The Flapper). Flapper’s attitudes transformed along with their fashion. They had a more eye-catching style with knee high dresses and short hair. This was a very surprising change and made the flapper women have an ambitious identity, because before if even an ankle was shown, it was considered very …show more content…
The Great Depression occurred when the stock market crashed in October of 1929. It wiped out many jobs and investors as well as decreasing the amount of money that went around in the economy. Nearly 13 million Americans did not have an occupation and almost half of our banks failed ( It was just one immense cycle that kept repeating. Someone would get laid off, they become tight on money so they decrease their spending patterns by not spending so much at markets and not getting as much money put into the bank, which then led the banks and markets to not have money, so then people get fired, and it starts all over again. This caused the majority of Americans to be strung out and stressed because they were doing whatever they could to make enough money just to live. But President Franklin Roosevelt promised America a “new deal.” He stressed to “take a method and try it. If it fails, try another. But above all, try something” (New Deal “Alphabet Agencies”). And that he did. He provided relief, recovery, and reform in the United States. Roosevelt created acts like the Fair Labor Standards Act, which set a minimum wage and a maximum hour standard. Or the FDIC, which protected people 's money in bank accounts by insuring customers for up to $5000. So although the Great Depression was harsh, steps were taken by Franklin Roosevelt to get America back

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