In the years following the civil war and the reconstruction of America, a new age of economic advancements and development fell upon American know as the gilded age. This time period was able to open up Americans to new innovations and a new lifestyle that followed the hardship form previous years. During the gilded age of America, the life of all American’s could be drastically changed overnight by one persons thoughts and ideas being put into place, some of the actions that affected America the most were the Dawes and homestead Acts, Jim crow Laws, and new technology, inventions and the building of railroads.
To begin with, during this age congress passed two acts to greatly enhance the life of American citizens know as the Homestead and Dawns acts. The Homestead Act of May 1862 allowed for settlement in western part of United States for any American including free slaves and gave each person claim to 160 acres of federal land2. The act stated that any adult citizen or person who was going to become a citizen, that headed a family could qualify for a grant of 160 acres of public land just by paying a registration fee and living on the land for five years straight2. Or if the settler was eager and willing to pay the small amount of 1.25 and acre the land could be there’s in just six short months2. …show more content…
On the other hand the Dawns act also called the General Allotment Act of February 1887 was put into place to finally rid Americas of the Native American, and their …show more content…
The age gave Americans land, laws, and new technology and transportation that were used for many years to come. Most importantly the age opened up new possibilities and ideas for people all throughout the country and people coming