Sharaad Britt
1. Some of the common symptoms of food poisoning:
• Some of the common symptoms of food poisoning include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and respiratory distress.
• Based on the above symptoms I think brevetoxin , which is produced by Karenia brevis would be responsible for the outbreak. Karenia brevis (K. brevis), a marine algae, causes red tides.
2. A HAB outbreak can have an economic impact:
• HAB can affect tourism, public health, jobs, public safety, and coastal communities because it can contaminate water sources used for personal use, recreational use, and fisheries. The cost of red tide nationally have been estimated to reach $50 million with public health representing $20 million, commercial fisheries averages $18 million, followed by $7 million for recreation and tourism effects, and $2 million for monitoring and management
3. It can be difficult to determine the causes of HAB related illnesses and events because:
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The median time from exposure to symptom onset is within 24 h, with a range of 3–48 h. The symptoms related to HAB can be attributed to many other illnesses or conditions. Once a diagnosis is made, the past events must be re-traced to find identify the type of exposure and the place of infection. Red tide can infect through direct contact, ingestion and inhalation, resulting in ER visits for respiratory illnesses, asthma exacerbations and GI illness. The different points of entry makes it sometimes difficult to determine and diagnose if an illness is caused by an