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31 Cards in this Set

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And 1973, the governor New York State and acted legislation man dating increased present turns for drug possession and sale. These are still in the fact and our known as

The Rockefeller drug laws

Anderson sees much of the coat of the streets as an effort to

Gain respect

Which of the following sociologists wrote suicide in 1897?

Émile Durkheim

Punishment that attempt to restore the status quo that existed prior to the offense are known as


Front stage mistakes, such as your sociology professor accidentally trips ass you walk in the class one day, are known as


Although there are many agents of socialization, for of the primary ones, according to the textbook, are

Family, schools, appears, and media.

According to Williams Toy Store many employer's expect workers to be flexible, that is, they expect workers to

Be willing to work whenever they are needed and do whatever work nice to be done

Ultimately we hold people responsible for their behavior precisely because they can exercise choice over what they do. This speaks to the limits of socialization a sociologists refer to as


Military bootcamp dad prisons are places that control all the basics of people's day today lives and our known as

Total institutions

The most problematic aspect of the Tuskegee study, according to Brent, was that the participants

Were not only giving me impression that they were receiving affected Tremont, but we're systematically prevent it from receiving proper treatment

Which of the following focus is its analysis on larger social dynamics at the societal and structural levels?


Cooley's theory of socialization States of the self develops from our interactions others and the reaction to us. This 30 is known as

Looking glass self theory

Wow the notion of sex refers to biological characteristics, the concept of gender were first to _______________ characteristics


The functional is perspective on deviance argues that deviance

Is necessary for Society survival

Which of the following is in example of quantitative research method

Conducting a survey about how often people at ten church

And contrast a functionalism, which modern sociological theory barrow's from Marx's believe that competition, not consensus, is the essential cause of social change?

Conflict theory

Best encourages us to approach statistics

Critically, by evaluating there quality and claims

The ______________ requires us, above all, to think our selves away from the familiar routine of our daily lives in order to look at things anew, right Anthony Giddens and Mitchell Duneier

Sociological imagination

The concept of race

Has changed over time

Which of Durkheim's types of social solidarity characterizes modern Life?


Which modern sociological theory attempts to understand social behavior by examining the ways people interpret and give meaning to social signals the signs?

Symbolic interactionism

The Chicago Schools main laboratory for sociological research was the city of Chicago itself, because

They were interested in hell the social and physical environment shapes the individual

What theory might argue that "it is beneficial for society as a whole when men and women stick to their 'normal' roles"?

Parson's sex role theory

What time refers to invisible barriers women face when they enter more prestiges corporate world?

Glass ceiling

Which term refers to the belief that members of separate racist possess different and unequal traits?


A society is pluralistic if no distict ethnic group is the statistically

In the majority

The research method that uses information that can be converted to numerical form is


In a gathering society, most people do the same things. They gather food for their survival, so the members of a society are very similar. Durkheim would say that the type of solidarity in a gathering society would be


If we apply our sociological imaginations to sex, gender, and sexuality, we might argue that

Although biological differences exist between men and women, what we make of those differences is socially constructed and has changed through time and place.

What type of research describes peoples behavior in rich detail and focuses on the meanings people give to their actions?


Dodson ("Employing Parents Who Can't Make a Living") concludes from her research that

Men should be encouraged to take paternity leave and be more willing to stay at home and take care of dependent children when their wives work outside the home