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27 Cards in this Set

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attempts to form facts; search for valid information with methods to make good observations
spirit of the times; influence of factors like political climate, technology advances, economic conditions, developments in other sciences
using the present state as a guide to understand the history; sees contemporary knowledge as the highest development
study of the past without attempts to show relationships between the past and present; understanding the mentality of that era
normal science
Kuhn; exploring a newly accepted paradigm and its implications
Kuhn; a common set of assumptions/ beliefs about a subject matter
one substance/ element from which everything else is derived;
those who sough it were physicists
what can humans know and how can they know it;
no single truth exists since nothing is inherently right or wrong, but believing makes it so
1st sophist
1. truth depends on the perceiver
2. perceptions vary from person to person
3. culture influences what one believes is true
4. must understand the person to understand their beliefs
Nihilist- there can be no objective way of determining knowledge or truth
- unbridgeable gap between one person's thoughts and anothers
the self can be aware of nothing except its own experiences and mental states
humans create their own truth and religion
sought the essence of things; knowledge comes from understanding the essences
Inductive definition
examined concepts like beauty, then questioned what all instances of beauty had in common
we can not trust our sensory experiences; nativist
Theory of forms
everything is a manifestation of a pure form that exists in the abstract; plato
Allegory of the cave
Plato; prisoners only see shadows on the wall and this constitutes their reality, never see the true essence

shadow world is sensory experiences- real obects (forms), case shadows (senses)
Reminiscence theory of knowledge
all knowledge is innate and can be attained only through introspection- searching one's inner experiences
naive realism
what we experience mentally is exactly the same as what is present physically
scientific theory
1. organize empirical observations
2. acts as a guide for future observations
Karl Popper
Scientific theory consists of problems, theories, and criticism.

- starts with a problem which determines what observations scientists make.

- a theories incorrect predictions cause more scientific progress than correct ones

principle of falsifiability, risky predictions, postdiction
Principle of falsifiability
Popper; a scientific theory must be refutable; must make predictions that run a risk of being incorrect

- vague theories prevent meaningful tests
Thomas Kuhn
Science is highly subjective; a paradigm guides all activities.

paradigm, normal science, stages of scientific development, anomalies
How do scientific paradigms change
1. must be a persistent observation that a current paradigm can't explain. (anomalies)

2. a minority will propose an alternative viewpoint that accounts for the anomalie

3. New paradigm eventually wins out and displaces old one
Stages of scientific development
1. preparadigmatic stage- competing viewpoints exist until one school wins
2. paradigmatic stage- normal science occurs
3. revolutionary stage- an existing paradigm is displaced by another
Popper vs Kuhn
- problem solving is creative
- science is logic and creativity
- science can approximate truths about the physical world

- problem solving is like a puzzle
- science is convention and subjective factors
- truth itself is a relative paradigm
behavior is caused