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24 Cards in this Set

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Frontotemporal Disease

- Result of damage to neurons caused by an excessive buildup of proteins in the brain

- Affects the frontal and temporal lobes, which are brain areas responsible for social emotions

Cognitive Neuroscience

Involves taking pictures and identifying the structures and functions of the living brain during the performance of a variety of mental or cognitive processes, such as thinking, planning, naming, and recognizing objects

They develop from different instructions, which are written at the moment of fertilization

The reason brains and bodies have different shapes, colors, and abilities


- When a father's sperm (23 chromosomes) penetrates a mother's egg (ovum, 23 chromosomes)

- Will result to a fertilized cell called zygote


About the size of a grain of sand, is the largest human cell


- Contain chemical instructions for development of the brain and body

- A short, rodlike, microscopic structure that contains tightly coiled strands of the chemical DNA

Chemical Alphabet

- The order in which the four different chemicals combine to form rungs

- Used to write instructions for the development and assembly of the 100 trillion highly specialized cells that make up the brain and body


- A specific segment on the long strand of DNA that contains instruction for making proteins

- Determine physical traits as well as contribute to the development of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral traits


Chemical building blocks from which all the parts of the brain and body are constructed

Polymorphic gene

- A gene that has more than one version

- Help explain some of the differences in physical appearance and behaviors in people

Ex: There is a polymorphic gene that influences eye color, two sibling may have different eye colors.

By identifying the dominant and recessive genes

How to resolve polymorphic genes conflict

Dominant Gene

A type of polymorphic gene that determines the development of a specific trait even if it is paired with a recessive gene

Recessive Gene

A type of polymorphic gene that determines the development of a specific trait only when it is inherited from both parents

Fragile X Syndrome

- An inherited developmental disability due to a defect in the X chromosome (the pinched end of the X chromosome).

- Can result in physical changes, such as relatively large head w/ protruding ears, as well as mild to profound mental retardation

Down Syndrome

Results from an extra 21st chromosome and cause abnormal physical traits and abnormal brain development, resulting in degrees of mental retardation

Genetic Testing

- Used to detect genes associated with a specific disease or disorder as well as for paternity testing and forensics

- Involves taking a sample from someone's blood, hair, skin, or other body parts and then examining the person's genes to look for signs that he or she may be at risk for specific diseases or disorders

Theory of Evolution

says that different species arose from a common ancestor and that those species that survived were best adapted to meet the demands of their environments

Genetic Mutations, Natural Selection

Two forces thought to be responsible for the evolution of the human brain

Genetic Mutations

Accidental errors in genetic instructions that lead to a change

Natural Selection

Genes for traits that help an organism survive and reproduce (adaptive genes) will be selected and will continue in a species, whereas the genes for trait that prevents survival and reproduction (maladaptive genes) will not be selected and will be eliminated in a species

Adaptive genes

Genes for traits that will help an organism survive and reproduce

Maladaptive Genes

Genes for traits that prevent survival and production


The process of natural selection produces?

Ex: A behavior that helps the organism better escape a predator and a physical characteristic that provides it with an advantage, such as opposable thumbs for gripping

Evolutionary Approach

- A relatively new modern approach to psychology that emerges from the theory of evolution

- Studies how evolutionary ideas, such as adaptation and natural selection, explain human behaviors and mental processes

- Research in this area relies on cognitive neuroscience, which means it uses pictures of the living brain