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62 Cards in this Set

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positive self esteem
you feel ok with yourself and don't rely on others
disomfort associated with physical or physcological discomfort
number one motivator for seeking a relationship search and the worst reason to do so
relationship dialectics theory
argues that people in a relationship experience dynamic tensions between pairs of opposing motives or desires
contact stage
there is some kind of perceptual contact - you see, hear, read a msg from or perhaps smell the person
from this you form a mental and physical picture
relationship dissolution stage
the bonds between the individuals are broken
relationship repair
is not always pursued
relationship deterioration stage
is characterized by a weakening of the bonds between the friends or lovers
involvement stage
a sense of mutuality of being connected develops
learning more about the other person
intimacy stage
you commit yourself still further to the other person and establish a relationship in which this person becomes your best friend lover or companion
rules theory
relationships-friendships and love in particular- are held together by adherence to certain rules
attraction theory
holds that people form relationships on the basis of attraction
5 major factors of attraction
physical attractivness
personality, socio-economic and educational status
ventilation hypothesis
notion that expressing emotions allows you to ventilate your negative feelings
has a positive effect on physical, mental and interpersonal relationships
james-lange theory of emotion
event occurs
respond physiologically
experience emotion
cognitive labeling theory of emotion
event occurs
respond physiologically
intrpret this arousal (what emotion)
experience the emotion
quality of thinking and behaving in which you vary your messages based on the unique situation in which you find yourself
display rules
govern what is and what is not permissable emotional communication
blended emotions
combinations of primary emotions pg 163 chp 7
primary emotions
8 basic:
is the front door to new relationships
owning feelings
take ownership/possesion of your emotions
stop blaming others control your behavior
you choose to control or not
emotional contagen
emotions are contagious
passed from one person to another
emotions (feelings)
non-cognitive reactions
no thought component
occur quickly without thought
people who have more control are more productive
Emotional Quotient
EQ tells you what feels good
IQ tells you consiquences
EQ & IQ always fight for power
expression of regret for something you did
logical explanations for behavior
excuse and reason are not the same
attempt to make you feel like they did something and to minimize why they did it

lesson negative implications
not taking ownership that it is a fact "based on the info I have right now" use with the right motive
statement that aims to insure that your msg will be understood and will not reflect negatively on you
people with ngative insecure ego talk down to others to make themselves feel better
downward communication
messages sent from higher levels to lower levels of hierarchy
people who speak to upper and lower with same respect are generally liked
upward communication
messages sent from lower levels to upper levels of hierarchy
provides management with feedback
gives lower levels a sense of belonging
self disclosure
to reveal intamate details about yourself with caution
5 dimensions of feedback
person focused/ message focused
low monitoring/high monitoring
needs to be a priority in conversation
3 steps to avoid loneliness
1. make sure your best friend is yourself
2. stay busy no matter what you do (volunteer or part time job)
3. no matter what stage of life you are in go back to school (education, organizations-built in excuse to be social)
2 types of loneliness
physical-proximity to people
2. physcological- the person you want to be with insn't there or too shy with the people that are there
*be able to have a conversation/make a move
correction mechanism
use a calender to mark each day whether you had more pain or pleasure in a specific relationship
six-stage model of relationships
1.contact-physical/actual, interactual
2. involvment-testing intensifying (spend more time in this stage)
3. intamacy- interpersonal commitment/social bonding
4. deterioration-dissatisfaction/deterioration
5. repair or dissolution
is limited by the "pool" in which you live- travel gives more opportunity for contact
get past superficial conversations
spend about 4-6 months
make a decision if you want to go further
characterized by the fact that you would rather spend time with this person than others
re-commit everyday
relationship is breaking up
both of you spend less discressionary time together
(less laughter/more critizism)
about 18month-2yrs
want it to work
seek external assistance (men fight external advice-don't like disclosure and female will have an ally)
external assistance--don't go to
- mutual friends
- family members
- clergy/church counseling
external assistance--do go
-liscensed counselor(standard issues)
-physcologist(physcological/anger issues)
relationship dialectics theory
argues that people in a relationship experience dynamic tensions between pairs of opposing motives or desires
social exchange theory
claims that you develop relationships that will enable you to maximize your profits
social penetration theory
theory not of why relationships develop but of what happens when they do develop
describes relationships in terms of the number of topics that people talk about and the degree of "personalnes"
equity theory
uses the ideas of social exchange, but goes a step farther and claims that you develop and maintain relationships in which the ratio of your rewards relative to your costs is approximately equal to your partners
relationship maintenance
behaviors that serve to continue(maintain,retain) your relationship
relatinship license
license to violate some relatinship expectation. custom, or rule (ex. taste each others food)
enables you to understand emotionally what another person is experiencing from their point of view without losing your identity
reaction to relationship threat
relationship disengagement
strategy for getting out of a relationship
disolve the previous relationship and replace with another
ie.. friends or enemies after a divorce
relationship redefinition
restructure a reltionship so that each of you can matain positive contact
give positive feedback
ie.. letter stating"I don't regret divorce so we can both have a better life; I will miss things about you; can we still be friends for benefit of kids etc... if you want to call please do"
situation created when people are confronted by competitive or mutually exclusive goals
ie.. one person will get validictorian/ two people have opportunity to marry specific person
deal killer
is it worth it? pick the times to win the argument, choose if winning is more important or if relatinship is
"to hit below the belt" with words or comments (push each others buttons)
conflict management stages
define the conflict
examine possible solutions
test solution
evaluate solution
accept or reject solution
exit conflict
face-enhancing strategies
strategies that support and confirm a person's positive face(praise or smile)
or negative face(give the person space, ask rather than demand)