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90 Cards in this Set

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In order to prevent injury to yourself and others it is important to observe?
Good body mechanics
Refers to the wayin whcih the body moves and maintains balance>
Body mechanics
Four main reasons for using good body mechanics?
Muscles work best when used correctly, correct use of muscle makes lifting, pulling, + pushing easier, Prevents unnecessay fatique/strain, saves energy, Prevents injuries to self/others.
CHAW BAGS= Eight basic rules of body mechanics, C=?
Carry heavy objects close to body, stand close to the object or person being moved.
CHAW BAGS= Eight basic rules of body mechanics, H=?
Hips and knees/bend from them to get closer to an object, + keep your back straight, do not bend at waist.
CHAW BAGS= Eight basic rules of body mechanics, A=?
Avoid twisting your body. Turn with your feet + entire body when you change direction of movement.
CHAW BAGS= Eight basic rules of body mechanics, W=?
Weight of your body/use it to help push or pull an object. Whenever possible, push, slide, or pull rather than lift.
CHAW BAGS= Eight basic rules of body mechanics, B=?
Base of Support stance/feet 8 to 19 inches apart, one foot in front of other/balance weight on BOTH feet, point toes in direction of movement
CHAW BAGS= Eight basic rules of body mechanics, G=?
Get Help/from others or mechanical lifts, w/c, or other devices to help bear the load.
CHAW BAGS= Eight basic rules of body mechanics, S=?
Strongest muscles/let them do the job/shoulders, hips, upper arms, thighs. Back muscle are weak.
A division of the Dept of Labor, establishes and enforces SAFETY STANDARDS for the work place?
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
Two main standard that effect health care worker?
Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Waste, & Blood Pathogen Standard.
Using MSDS under this standard employers must inform employees of all chemicals nad hazards in the workplace?
Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Waste
MSDS stands for?
Material Safety Data Sheets
MSDS must provide what info?
Product identification #, Protection/precautions worn and used, Instruction for safe handling/use,Procedures for spills/cleanup/disposal, Emergency First Aid procedures.
Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Waste also mandates that employers educate employees on?
Types/locations,MSDS use/location, Read/interpret labels, PPE, Equip for managing spills/cleanup, Report accidents/exposures/documentation.
The Bloodborne Pathogen Standard mandates?
To protect health care providers from disease caused by exposure to body fluids.
Is an applied science used to promote the safety/well being of a person by adapting the environment + using techniques 2 prevent injuries?
Every health care worker must accept the responsibility for using ______ ________ in all situations?
Good Judgement
Every health care worker must follow ________ and _______ to creat a safe environment?
Policies & Procedures
Never use solutions from bottle that are not?
Read label of solution bottle at least____times?
Do not ______ any solution together unless instructed to do so?
Avoid contact w/ eyes and skin because some solutions can be _______ and _______?
If you break/spill any solution report it immediately to?
Your supervisor
Do not use________ or _______ elctrical cords?
Read _ _ _ _ sheets B4 using any chemical solution?
Do not operate any equip until you have been?
Instructed/trained on that piece of equipment
______and_______the operating instructions for all major pieces of equipment?
Do not operated any equip if your _______/_______ is not in the room?
Report_______/_______equip ASAP?
Patient/resident safety. FABOPAD, F=?
Frequently check the patient area, waiting room, office rooms, bed areas, or home rooms for safety hazards.
Patient/resident safety. FABOPAD, A=?
Alwasy identify your patient.
Patient/resident safety. FABOPAD, B=?
B4 leaving a patient/resident in a bed observe all safety check points.
Patient/resident safety. FABOPAD, O=?
Observe the patient closely during any procedure.
Patient/resident safety. FABOPAD, P=?
Provide privacy for all patience.
Patient/resident safety. FABOPAD, A=?
Always Explain the procedures to patient.
Patient/resident safety. FABOPAD, D=?
Do not perform any procedures on patients unless instucted/authorized to do so.
Fire Safety, Fire needs three things or start?
Oxygen or air, fuel, heat.
Fire Extinquisher Class A?
Never use this type on gas, oil, paint, cooking oil.
Pressurized water: used on combustible such as paper, cloth, and wood.
Fire Extinquisher Class B?
CO2: Used on Gas, oil, paint, liquid, and cooking fat fires.
Fire Extinquisher Class C?
Dry-chemical type: Non conducing agent, use on Electrical Fires.
Fire Extinquisher Class ABC or Combination?
Graphite type chemical, multi purpose used on all types of fire.
If there is a fire in your area, and you are not in harms way, why should you RACE?
R=Rescue any one in harms way, move patients to safety.
A= Activate alarm/give type/location of fire.
C=Confine fire/TURNOFF Oxygen and electrical equip.
E=Extinquish fire, close window/doors to prevent drafts/USE CORRECT CLASS OF FIRE EXTINGUISHER TO PUT OUT FIRE.
Why should you close all windows and doors if there is a fire?
Because it will cut down on drafts which is oxygen and Oxygen is feul for the fire.
When Extingusihing Fires and using the CORRECT CLASS of Fire estinguisher you must PASS?
P=Pull pin
A=Aim extinguisher at the near edge and bottom of fire.
S= Squeeze handle to discharge contents.
S=Sweep the from side to side to cover fire.
The Needlestick Safety Act in Nov 2002 was passed in response to?
600,000 to 800,000 needle sticks in teh health care field every year.
What does the Needlestick Safety Act mandate?
Identify/use effective/safer medical devices, Incorporate changes in annual update of Exposure Control Plans, Solicit input from nonmanagerial employees, Maintain a sharps injury log.
According to this govenrnment agancy, every bodily fluid must be considered a potentially infectious material and all patients must be considered potential sources of infection regardless of their disease/Dx.
Wet surfaces permit rapid infiltration of organisms, so it imortant that all items be ______when removed from the autoclave?
Examples of idicators that have been autoclaved are?
Autoclave tape, sensitivity marks on bags or wraps, and indicator capsules.
Before any items is put into the autoclave, the item must be?
Thoroughly washed and rinsed.
Items that are to remain sterile must be wrapped ____?>
Prior to autoclave insertion
The wrap for autoclave must be material that will allow for?
Penetration of steam
(muslim, autoclave paper, special plastic o paper bags, autoclave containers.
Indicators are used to?
As indicator that the item has been sterilized. Usually changes color.
Items should be placed on their______not flat?
Sides (to enable the steam to penetrate, of flow along the natural planes of the items)
Autclave sterilization heat is effective at 250-254F, and _____C?
121-123 (use formula to calculate F to C)
Rubber items will stay in the autoclave ____ ____than metal items?
Shorter period (tend to damage by longer periods)
Use ______motions to clean a wound?
Refers to methods used to protect certain patients from organism present in the evironment?
Protective or Reverse isolation
Type of bacteria that is chain like with round encircles (like a hoop necklace)?
Type of bacteria that (looks like a bunch of pairs of glasses)?
Type of bacteria that resembles small irregular shaped patches of leapord skin?
Type of bacteria that resembles a cluster of balloons?
Type of bacteria that has flagallated (tails)forms?
Flagellated Bacilli
Type of bacteria that looks like a sausage link or single sausage (rod shaped)?
Bacilli Bacteria
Type of bacterial spores that look like single chain out of chain necklace?
Bacilli spores
Type of bacteria that resembles a twisted scarf with fringe?
Type of bacteria that resembles a corkscrew?
Spirochetes Spirilla
Type of bacteria that resembles half donuts?
Vibrios Spirilla
Microorganisms that require oxygen to live?
Microorgansims that live and reproduce in the absence of oxygen?
Means the infection or disease orginates within the body?
Endogenous(metabolic disorders, microorganism in the body)
Means the infection or disease orginates outside the body?
Exogenous (pathogenic organsims, radiation, chemical agents, trauma, eletrical shock, temperature extremes.
Microorganisms bacteria in known as?
(ecoli in large intestines)
Microorganisms that cause Disease/infection are known as?
(ecoli in urinary system not its habita cause infection)
Simple one celled organisms that multiply rapidly?
Round shape bacteria in pairs that cause gonorrhea, meningitis, and pneumonia?
Chains of cocci that causes strep throat and rheumatic fever?
Cocci that occur in cluster or groups, boils, wound infections, toxic shock?
Rod shaped bacteria, single, in pairs, in chains, also have flagellum, cause TB, tetanus, whooping cough, typhoid?
Spiral or corkscrew shaped bacteria, syphillis, cholera?
One celled animal like organism found in decayed materials and contaminated water?
Protozoa(some are pathogenic some are not) (cause malaria, amebic dysentry.
Simple plant like organisms live on dead organic matter, if bad cause ring worm, thrush, vaginitis, candidas?
Fungi (Yeasts and molds)
Parasitic microoirganisms (cannot live outside of its host), Typhus, spotted fever?
Rickettsiae (commonly found on ticks and fleas)
Spread from human to human by blood or other body secretions, (herpes, hepatitis, AIDS)?
Serum Hepatitis, transmitted by blood, serum, or other bodily secretions, causes liver damage?
Hepatitis B
HCV transmitted by blood and blood-containing body fluids, serious liver damage?
Hepatitis C
An infection that is acquired by an individual in a health care facility or LTC, usually by health care workers?
(usually staph, strep, entercocci)
Infection that occur when a body defenses are weak, immune system not functioning properly?
Opportunistic (terminally ill patients usually contract this type because they can't fight off infection)