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37 Cards in this Set

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The process in which the occurrence of a behavior is followed by an immediate consequence that results in the strengthening of the behavior happening in the future again.


Stimulus or event occurring immediately after a behavior

Operant Behavior

A behavior that is strengthened through the process of reinforcement


The consequence that strengthens an operant behavior

Positive Reinforcement

1.) Occurrence of a behavior,

2.) Is followed by the addition of a stimulus (a reinforcer) or an increase in the intensity of a stimulus,

3.) Results in the strengthening of the behavior.

Negative Reinforcement

1.) Occurrence of a behavior,2.) Is followed by the removal of a stimulus (aversive stimulus) or a decrease in the intensity of a stimulus,3.) Results in the strengthening of the behavior.


An object or event that can be detected by one of the senses, and this has the potential to influence the person

Social Reinforcement

The process in which a behavior produces a reinforcing consequence through the actions of another person


Pos.: ask roommate to bring you chips.

Neg.: ask roomates to turn down the TV when it's too loud.

Automatic Reinforcement

A process in which the behavior produces hey reinforcing consequence through direct contact with the physical environment.


Pos.: going down to the kitchen and getting the chips yourself

Neg.: turn down the TV volume yourself

Premack Principle

One type of positive reinforcement in which the opportunity to engage in a high probability behavior is made contingent on the occurrence of a low probability behavior to increase the low probability behavior

Example: parents telling their kids they have to clean their room before they can go outside and play with friends

Escape Behavior

The occurrence of the behavior results in the termination of an aversive stimulus that was already present when the behavior occurred

A person steps barefoot on the hot asphalt and immediately stepped onto the grass. Stepping onto the grass results in the ______ from the heat and of the asphalt

Avoidance Behavior

The occurrence of the behavior prevents and aversive stimulus from occurring.

A person put on shoes the next time she walks on asphalt. Wearing shoes results in ______ of the heat from the hot asphalt.

Unconditioned reinforcer

A stimulus that is naturally reinforcing because the capacity for our behavior to be strengthened by the stimulus has survival value.

Conditioned Reinforcer

A stimulus that was once neutral but became established as a reinforcer by being paired with an unconditioned reinforcer or an already established conditioned reinforcer


A conditioned reinforcer is something that can be given to another person and accumulated by that person

Backup Reinforcer

A client receives tokens for desirable behaviors and exchanges a specified number of tokens for any of a variety of this kind of reinforcer

Generalized conditioned reinforcer

When a conditioned reinforcer is paired with a variety of other reinforcers


One instance or occurrence of a particular behavior


A stimulus is more effective as a reinforcer when it is delivered contingent on the behavior

Motivating Operation (MO)

An antecedent stimulus or event that alters the value of a reinforcer in alters the probability of the behavior that produces that reinforcer

Establishing Operation (EO)

Makes a reinforcer more potent

It establishes the effectiveness of a reinforcer

Abolishing Operation (AO)

Makes a reinforcer less potent

It abolishing or decreases the effectiveness of a reinforcer


A type of establishing operations that increases the effectiveness of most unconditioned reinforcers and some conditions reinforces


When a person has recently consumed a large amount of a particular reinforcer or has had substantial exposure to a reinforcing stimulus


A stimulus is more effective as a reinforcer when it is delivered immediately after the behavior

Schedule of reinforcement

Specifies which responses will be followed by delivery of the reinforcer

Continuous reinforcement schedule (CRF)

Every response is followed by the reinforcer

Intermittent reinforcement schedule

Not every response is followed by the reinforcer


The development of a new behavior through reinforcement


Continuation of the behavior change for a long period after the termination of a behavior modification program

Fixed Ratio (FR) Schedule

A reinforcer is delivered after a certain number of responses

Variable Ratio (VR) Schedule

A reinforcer is delivered after an average of X responses

Fixed Interval (FI) Schedule

Reinforcer delivered for the first response that occurs after a fixed of time

Variable Interval (VI) Schedule

Reinforcer delivered for the first response that occurs after a variable interval of time

Concurrent schedules of reinforcement

All of the schedules of reinforcement that are in effect for a person's behavior at one time

Concurrent operants

A number of different behaviors or response options are concurrently available for the person

Response Effort

The amount of force, exertion, or time involved in executing a response.