The Behaviorist Theory Paper

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The behaviorist theory considers a full range of psychological and social phenomena to explain how do organisms learn or acquire behavior. Among some of the main components of behaviorism it can be mentioned classical and operant conditioning, stimulus-response, reinforcements and punishments, objective measure, social learning, and reductionism (the notion that human behavior can be explained by breaking it down into smaller elements), (Khan, 2013; McLeod, 2013). Ivan Pavlov, John Watson, Edward Thorndike, and B.F. Skinner figure among some of the key theorist of this approach, (McLeod, 2013; Ormrod, 2012; Watson, 1999). Two of the most well-know theories of behaviorism are classical (or respondent) conditioning and operant conditioning (also …show more content…
In operant conditioning it is important that the punishment or the reinforcement occur at the same time the behavior is presented with the aim to produce change. There are two types of punishment in this approach: positive and negative.
Positive punishment denotes presenting a consequence after an unwanted behavior is performed. An example of this is to put a child in timeout when he/she is misbehaving. Conversely, negative punishment involves removing a stimulus after an unwanted behavior is performed. For example, deprive a child to play with video games for not doing his/her homework. Importantly, both types of punishments seek to reduce unwanted behavior, but do not indicate what is expected, (McLeod, 2013). Likewise, reinforcements also have two types: positive and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcements are given after a desired or accepted behavior occurs (e.g. a happy face, a praise, candies, etc.). During negative reinforcement, an aversive stimulus is removed immediately following a behavior. For example a child does his/her homework (behavior); he is rewarded by not having to clean his room (aversive stimulus). Importantly, reinforcements seek to increase the likelihood that desired behaviors occur; in other word, it tells the person what to do, (McLeod, 2013; Natrajan & Mayers-Wallis,

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